

作者: persist | 来源:发表于2019-04-03 19:11 被阅读0次

    4.1 省下来的时间并不能在未来变现,但你可以把时间用来投资未来的你。你是自己最好的投资!You can't save time for future use. But you can invest it for the future you. You are your best investment!

    4.2 如果你真的想做成某事,你会想方设法。如果你不够想,总能找到借口。不要为不追逐梦想找借口。If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don't, you will find an excuse. Don't find excuses for not chasing your dream.

    4.3 生活不易,但又如此美好。美丽是值得的。Life is hard,but so very beautiful. The beauty is worth the work.

    4.4 你头脑里的那个声音不是良知,而是恐惧。不要夸大你的恐惧。That voice you hear in your head isn't conscience. It's your fear. Don't glorify your fears.

    4.5 英语中没有哪个词比“干得好”更有害。不要无缘无故地自鸣得意。要努力克服困难。There are no two words in the English language more harmful than good job.Don't pat yourself on the back for no reason. Work through the hardships.

    4.6  疑神疑鬼和无知是同义词。别那么多疑了,多学点。Paranoia is just another word for ignorance. Stop being so paranoid and learn more.

    4.7 你能做的最好的投资就是对自己健康的投资。照顾好自己!The best investment you can make is in your own health. Take care of yourself!

    4.8 生理动机永远比意志力强大。认识到这一点,你就会有更多的控制权。Biology always beats willpower. Recognize this and you will have more control.

    4.9 我们如何改变世界?从每一个善举开始。今天为其他人做件好事吧!How do we change the world? One single act of random kindness at a time.Do something nice for others today!

    4.10 你吃的东西决定你的状态,所以不要吃快的,便宜的,简易的和假的食物。不要把垃圾燃料放进一辆好车里。You are what you eat. So don't eat fast,cheap,easy or fake. Don't put crap fuel into a nice car.

    4.11 “黑洞,如果你看着它赤裸裸的…是无形的,这是大自然最神奇的隐身斗篷。”"A black hole,if you looked at it naked... would be invisible ,It's nature's most amazing invisibility cloak."

    4.12  从来没有人说过:我好后悔今天吃得健康啊。健康饮食一直是一个好的决定。“I totally regret eating healthy today”-said no one ever.  Eating healthy is always a good decision.

    4.13 人生中你得到的都是你有勇气提出要的。要求更大一点吧!You get in life what you have the courage to ask for. Have a bigger ask!



