Day10 21/07/17

Day10 21/07/17

作者: 成小璇给猫穿裙子 | 来源:发表于2017-07-21 14:12 被阅读0次



1】juicy gossip

I'll bet he's writing down all sorts of juicy gossip in that thing.

释义:juicy gossip 八卦

            juicy 有趣的;多汁的;

            gossip 闲言碎语

造句:The news quickly made the rounds. A piece of juicy gossip is going the rounds.

2】too thrilled with...

I don't think Dad was too thrilled with the idea of me buying a Sweet Secrets Diary, either.

释义:thrilled:feeling intense pleasurable excitement

              too thrilled with sth.:因...感到兴奋 thrilled可以用来代替excited

造句:Indeed, you should be thrilled with the solution you find too, producing the luckiest two days of the year!

3】the coast was clear

When the coast was clear, I used my new key on his diary.

释义:coast 海岸线

              the coast was clear 指四下无人、安全没有危险

造句:They could see that I was terrified, and hid me until the coast was clear.


1】Today I realized that if I wanted to know what Rowley and those girls are talking about at lunch, all I have to do is read his diary.

I realize that if I want to..., all I have to do is...


仿写:I realized that if I want to get to date someone, all I have to do is stop with the person before first.


I don't need to go to work today,  so I started my weekend ahead of schedule.

In order to meet my boyfriend,  I'm going to Wuhan by train. As you can see, long-distance love is hard work. You can also call us "weekend lovers".


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