

作者: 养生仙女静香 | 来源:发表于2018-11-24 11:24 被阅读48次

The book that I recently read is What Every Woman Should Know About Men. In this book there are many novel views and discoveries that I didn't know. Here are a few examples:


Firstly, X chromosome is not only a sex chromosome. It also carrys genes that protect us from bacteria infections. Since women have two X chromosomes, they  receive double protections. Thus they are more resistant to diseases than men. Besides, men are told early on to be brave and strong, and they are always told that don't behave like a girl! Their innate fragility combines with latter education make them be vulnerable to diseases. They just don't care about their own health. On the contrary, women are willing to have physical examinations and buy Vietmins. So, If you are married, when you have a check-up, please don't forget to persuade your husband to have one as well. You know, physiologically, they are more vulnerable than you!


Secondly, men are less willing to express their feelings. That seems quite obvious, but few women can really understand that. The most talktive person in my home is surely my mom, and the least is my dad. I've heard one joke, the most common thing that one kid says to his father is: Dad, where is my mom? It's funny, but it is true. Generally speaking, for men it's more difficult to put themselves in others' shoes. They  even can't figure out their own feelings and they are not interested to do so. As women, we are intersted in articles about marriage, food, healthcare, fashion, children and psychology. Psychology almost covers every field we read. We think we should know more about ourselves and others and we are happy to share with others our feelings and experiences. So, this is a huge difference between men and women. Both sides should try to understand each other so as to live a harmonious life.


Finally, work is the most alluring lover for men. Men have two basic needs: work and love. In their minds, work is more important than love.Work not only provides a means for them to raise their families, but also gives them identities and status. Their happiness index is greatly connected to their jobs. Losing their jobs is such a great blow for men that when several factories closed, a city seems to be encircled by sins. Divorces, alcoholk problems, child abuses, wife abuses and rapes happen all of a sudden. The suiside rate goes up as well. Losing jobs is not the end of the world of women, but it is for men. Considerate wives need to comfort their husbands and encourage them to find a new job rather than blame them, because facing such a blow, husbands feel more frustrated and hopeless.

Of course there are many other differences between men and women,and I just chose three that I didn't recognized to share with you. All in all, differences doe't equal to inequality. After all, differences between men and women are a biological fact, while equality is a major concept in politics, ethics and sociology. No matter in nature or in society, men and women don't necessarily have the same nature or do the same thing to achieve equality. Society is becoming more open, and everybody can just be themselves!


Hope you can enjoy it~


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