第8天两个response的差异:(R1: response 1; R2: response 2)第一组差异:
R1.If you look at it that way
R2:Looked at from a broad historical perspective,
R1:But should we keep on doing this?
R2:Whether this process should continue is a question that requires careful consideration.
R1: If you go to Africa, for example, you can see......
R2:This can be seen in parts of Africa, for example, where large nature......
Note: Academic style is impersonal. Avoid overusing personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, we).
R1: the conflict between humans and animals is really bad.
R2: the conflict between humans and animals is particularly problematic.
Note: Avoid emotive words (e.g. bad, terrible, adore.)
R1: it’s true that......
R2: it is true that.....
注意can't的非缩写形式是cannot; 不是can not.
Note: Avoid contacted forms (e.g. isn't; won't ) and the words: get, a lot of, and really.