外刊阅读 2018-12-30 | 漫威最佳电影 20 部

外刊阅读 2018-12-30 | 漫威最佳电影 20 部

作者: DailyEnglish | 来源:发表于2019-01-01 11:20 被阅读0次

    The 20 best Marvel films – ranked!



    给好电影排名似乎从来都是一件吃力不讨好的事情。在万千影迷心中,每个人都有自己的心头好,超级英雄电影就更是如此了。大家都觉得自己喜欢的角色主演的电影理应拔得头筹。然而,在今天这份来自《卫报》的榜单中,作者评选出了 20 部漫威电影,结果可以说令人非常意外,前三名中甚至有一部电影并不属于漫威宇宙。我们读完今天的文章,再来了解作者给出这项排名背后的原因。

    3. Blade II (2002)

    This sequel to 1998’s Blade was directed by Guillermo del Toro with a swirling, demonic energy. The story once again concerns the charismatic daywalker, played by Wesley Snipes. It is a delirious Gothic-tech martial arts movie and the fight sequences Del Toro unleashes are horribly exciting. Not a typical superhero film, in many ways, but a great one.

    3、《刀锋战士 2》(2002)

    作为 1998 年《刀锋战士》的续集,本作由古列尔莫·德尔托罗执导,充满了躁动,狂乱的力量。故事依然和韦斯利·斯奈普斯饰演的迷人角色“日行者”有关。这是一部极其劲爆的,带有哥特色彩和科技感的武打电影,并且德尔托罗编排的武打场面真是帅呆了。从很多方面来说,它算不上典型的超级英雄电影,但它是一部佳作。

    2. Black Panther (2018)

    This superb film is a deliriously entertaining Afrofuturist adventure, with strange echoes of Rider Haggard. Black Panther was established as one of Marvel’s greatest heroes, and Ryan Coogler’s movie showed that having a nearly non-white cast was not simply a matter of diversity signalling – it was a colossal box office hit across the board, with a richer and more cultish element of fantasy than other Marvel films. (It also boasts MCU’s first woman cinematographer: the Oscar-nominated Rachel Morrison. Marvel Studios’ president, Kevin Feige, has promised to get more women writers and directors on board, with next year’s Captain Marvel co-written and co-directed by Anna Boden. So far, the only Marvel female writing credit is Nicole Perlman for Guardians Of The Galaxy.)



    1. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

    Somehow the Marvel planets came into alignment more perfectly, more sublimely, with this film than with any other Marvel movie: it is smart, visually exciting and perhaps above all, funny. And it’s funny in a way that only Marvel movies can be, demonstrating that comedy need not undercut or send up the drama, but that it can be an integral part of it. Taika Waititi was an inspired choice as director, and Hemsworth and Cate Blanchett are tremendous as Thor and Hela, the goddess of death who also happens to be Thor’s half-sister.



    —————  文章来源 / 卫报


    1.sequel/ˈsiːkwəl/ n. (书、电影或戏剧的)续篇,续集

    e.g. the sequel to Zootopia

    2.swirling/swɜːrliŋ/ adj. 打旋的

    e.g. a flood of swirling emotions

    3.demonic/diˈmɒnɪk/ adj. 恶魔般的;狂乱的

    e.g. a demonic hurry

    4.delirious/dɪˈlɪriəs/ adj. 狂喜的,极度兴奋的;语无伦次的

    5.Gothic/ˈɡɒθɪk/ adj. 哥特式的,哥特风格的

    6.superb/suːˈpɜːb/ adj. 极好的,超级的,杰出的

    7.colossal/kəˈlɒsl/ adj. 巨大的,庞大的

    e.g. colossal boxes

          colossal failures

          colossal mismanagement

    8.cultish/ˈkʌltɪʃ/  adj. 狂热的;时髦的

    9.boast/bəʊst/ v. 拥有(值得自豪的东西);吹嘘,夸耀

    10.Ragnarok/'rægnərɒk/ n. 诸神黄昏

    11.alignment/əˈlaɪnmənt/ n. 结盟,联盟;列队,排整齐

    12.integral/ˈɪntɪɡrəl/ adj. 必不可少的;构成整体所必需的

    e.g. Systematic training should be integral to library management.

    拓展内容:卫报排名前 20 的漫威电影完整榜单

    20. 《恶灵骑士》(2007)

    19. 《蚁人》(2015)

    18. 《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》(2017)

    17. 《X战警:逆转未来》(2014)

    16. 《蜘蛛侠》(2002)

    15. 《钢铁侠》(2008)

    14. 《雷神》(2011)

    13. 《奇异博士》(2016)

    12. 《金刚狼 3 :殊死一战》(2017)

    11. 《复仇者联盟 3:无限战争》(2018)

    10. 《死侍》(2016)

    9. 《蚁人 2 :黄蜂女》(2018)

    8. 《X战警》(2000)

    7. 《钢铁侠 3》(2013)

    6. 《复仇者联盟》(2012)

    5. 《银河护卫队》(2014)

    4. 《蜘蛛侠 2》(2004)

    3. 《刀锋战士 2》(2002)

    2. 《黑豹》(2018)

    1. 《雷神:诸神黄昏》(2017)



          本文标题:外刊阅读 2018-12-30 | 漫威最佳电影 20 部
