

作者: 夏雨雪_7bbc | 来源:发表于2021-06-13 06:17 被阅读0次


If you are always worried about the lack of money, you should go deep inside yourself, feel carefully, and see why you have a lack of love, why you can't give yourself more love,  and why you can't accept the love and care of others.


The power of love comes only from your heart, not from the external environment. If you do not realize that you are love itself, you lack the source of strength, and money needs strength to be created.


The inflow and outflow of money represents the giving and receiving of unconditional love,that is, the exchange of energy and consciousness of love between you and others.


If you have a sense of lack of money, please allow yourself to shift your attention away from your savings balance and debt and pay attention to everything you already have, including the opportunities, friendships and love that have come to you, in addition to the money balance in your account. these are all things you really have.


When you know how to express gratitude for what you already have, you are energetically inviting more affluence in all directions.


If you already feel very rich and comfortable with money, you can be grateful for all the income that comes to you in various ways, as well as job opportunities, talents, and other channels that allow you to make money.


Gratitude is an emotional state that can bring powerful healing effects, and it can be strong enough to end poverty consciousness, no matter how much money you have now, with gratitude and a clear heart, it will make you more free to accept other gifts that have been waiting for you.


Everyone has a strong intuition, intuition can lead to change, and maintaining the status quo is often more reassuring.


To live a rich life is to go your own way and honestly accept what life gives you.It may include a good relationship, a great wealth, a lucid spiritual connection, or a job that nourishes you, makes you feel complete, and brings benefits to the people around you, or a love of nature, or just having a good life experience on earth.


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