# 创建习题数据库
create database school;
# 使用习题数据库
use school;
# 创建学生信息表
create table student
id int(3) not null unique auto_increment comment '学号',
name varchar(4) not null comment '姓名',
sex char(1) comment '性别',
birth year comment '出生年份',
department varchar(4) not null comment '院系',
address varchar(6) comment '家庭住址',
primary key(id)
char set utf8;
# 创建学生成绩表
create table score
id int(2) not null unique auto_increment comment '编号',
stu_id int(3) not null comment '学号',
c_name varchar(3) comment '课程名',
grade int(3) comment '分数',
primary key(id)
char set utf8;
# 学生信息表插值
insert into student values
# 学生成绩表插值
insert into score values
- 查询student表的第2条到4条记录
select * from student limit 1,3;
- 查询计算机系和英语系的学生的信息
select * from student
where department = '计算机系' or department = '英语系';
- 从student表中查询每个院系年龄18~30岁的学生信息
select * from student
where year(curdate())-birth between 18 and 30
order by id;
- 查询计算机成绩低于95的学生信息
# 方法一: 左连接
select * from student
left join score on student.id = score.stu_id
where score.grade < 95 and score.c_name = '计算机'
group by student.id
order by student.id;
# 方法二: 子查询
select * from student
where id in
(select stu_id from score
where c_name = '计算机' and grade < 95);
- 查询同时参加计算机和英语考试的学生的信息
select * from student
where id in
(select stu_id from score
where c_name in ('计算机','英语')
group by stu_id having count(stu_id) = 2);