I : Question one : What is nonlinearity?
1: Prototype scalar equation: Find x∗ ∈ R such that
F(x∗) = 0
for a given function F that is differentiable with
derivative F′(x) ̸= constant (non-constant derivative) -
2: Prototype system of equations: Find ⃗x∗ ∈ Rn such that
F⃗ ( ⃗x ∗ ) = ⃗0
with Jacobian matrix F⃗′(⃗x) ̸= constant (non-constant Jacobian)
II: Question two : Why do we need numerical methods to solve nonlinear equations?
现实生活中大部分事情都是nonlinearity, nonlinearity可以很好的描述的生活中大部分事物。
III: Example of Nonlinear Equation:
Polynomial(多项式) equations :
截屏2021-12-29 10.52.34.png
(common approximations(近似值) for other nonlinear equations)
Trigonometric equations
sin(x)+2cos(x)=0etc. -
Many physics equations:
n1 sin θ1 = n2 sin θ2, E = mc2 etc. -
Neural Network
Neural Network.png
IV: Newton Method
It is rare for nonlinear equations to have a closed form solution that can be found through algebraic manipulation so people must require (approximate) solution.
People have the differentiable function F(x)
and its derivative F′(x). -
People have one initial point x0 that is close to the
unknown zero x∗ such that F(x∗) = 0. -
People look for a sequence of iterates x0,x1,...such that
iterates method.png
Derivation(推导) of Newton’ Method
Pros and cons(优点和缺点)
Fast (quadratic(二次方) convergence rate) (二次收敛率)
Not robust(不稳健性)Other issues
Requires the derivative function
Requires a “good” initial guess