The student

作者: Vivienne411_ | 来源:发表于2018-03-05 12:57 被阅读0次

    这一章中,作者讲述了自己的故事,自己人生中的第一次failure 。作者最爱的叔叔—那个who I want to be when I grow up 离开了自己。和作者一样,When the dream soured,我们也会一遍遍地问自己,why the lights weren't turning green for us 。

After the funeral ,my life changed..No more playing music at half -empty night clubs .No more writing songs .Instead ,I buried myself in accomplishments,because with accomplishments ,I believed I could control things .The People in the university were long forgotten .
It might have stayed that way ,had I not been flicking through the TV channels late one Night ,when something caught my eye...


1.I watched his strong body wither ,then bloat ,saw him Suffering ...

Wither 表示枯萎,凋谢,The flower will Wither if you Don't put them in water .也可以表示肌肉萎缩,limbs withered by disease and starvation (因疾病和饥饿造成的四肢萎缩)。以鄙视等态度降伏或震慑某人,She withered him with a glance .(她瞥了一眼把他镇住了)。


例子:Their hopes gradually withered away .

2.The dream soured.


这里的“the dream soured"可以理解为“梦想破灭了”,咱们还可以说Everything turns sour.表示“一切都变得很不顺利",Our relationship goes sour. 表示“我们的关系变得大不如从前”(可能是友谊的小船翻了,要分手了之类)。



    本文标题:The student
