

作者: 茂财 | 来源:发表于2021-04-01 09:38 被阅读0次

    介词 (prep.)

    • 介词属于虚词,不能单独做句子成分,只有转化成介词短语(介词+宾语)才能扮演表语、定语、状语等角色。
    • 介词同样没有情景变形,所以从介词短语功能和常用介词成员两个维度展开
    1. 介词成员分类:
      • 表关系
        • 表所有关系 :of
        • 表包含关系:包括(inclusive of,including)除...外,还有(apart from,besides,in addition to)
        • 表排除关系:除了,不包括(but,other than,exclusive of);除....外 (except,except for,apart from)
        • 表替代关系:in place of,instead of
        • 关于...:about,as for,as to,on,concerning,with regard to,regarding
      • 表目的
        • 以...为目标:with the aim of 如:with the aim of taking it back,we should hurry
        • 以防:in case of 如:all exits must be kept clear in case of fire
      • 表原因
        • 因为:because of 如:The game was postponed because of rain
        • 因为:due to 如:The train had stopped due to a mechanical problem
        • 因为:owing to 如:He was out of work owing to a physical injury
        • 多亏:thanks to 如:Thanks to that job I became an avid reader
        • 由于:by virtue of 如:The article stuck in my mind by virtue of on detail
      • 表条件
        • 万一:in case of 如:In case of difficultly,just call on me
        • 如果有:with 如:With your help,we can do it
        • 如果没有:without 如:Without your help,we can't do it
        • 要不是:but for 如:But for your help,we can't do it
      • 表方式
        • A with B:B是A的附属
        • 根据:according to=according with
        • 凭借:by;by means of 如:The drawing is transferred onto the wood by means of carbon paper
        • 用这个方法: in this way
        • 按照:in terms of ;in the light of,in accordance with 如:It can not be measured in terms of money
        • 凭借...工具 如:by bus;in a car;on foot
      • 表让步
        • 尽管...;不管...;无论... ;in spite of ,irrespective of ,notwithstanding,regardless of
      • 表程度
        • 大约:about 如:about half an hour
        • 过量:to excess 如:don't drink to excess
        • 到...程度:to the extent of 如:the debt to the extent of 1000 dollars
        • 极度:to the extreme 如:poor to the extreme
      • 时间介词
        • 某个时间点
          • 某个时间点前:before,by,by the end of ,till,until,to ,prior to 如:by the end of 2020
          • 某个时间点中:at 如:at noon
          • 某个时间点后:after,since,from 如:since 2020
        • 某个时间段
          • 某个时间段前:age
          • 某个时间段中:among,between,during,for,in,within,from...to... 如:within two days
          • 某个时间段后:in 如:in two weeks
      • 空间介词
        • 从'真实空间'与'虚拟空间','静态空间关系','动态空间关系'(介词中有动作成分)四个维度归纳:
          • 虚拟空间
            • 在...方面:in this aspect,in this respect,in this regard ,in terms of 如:in this regard nothing has changed
            • 在这个角度:at this angle
            • 从这个角度:from this angle
            • 从你的立场:in your shoes
          • 静态空间关系:
            • 在...上 :on(接触) over(不接触) above(不接触)
            • 在...上部: at the top of
            • 在...下:beneath(接触) under(不接触静止) below(不接触不静止)
            • 在...下部:at the bottom of
            • 在...里:in inside at the center of
            • 在...外:outside of,outside
            • 在...左:in the left of (里) on the left of (接触) to the left of (不接触)
            • 在...右:同上
            • 在...前:before,in front of (前方) in the front of (前部)
            • 在...后:behind(后方) at the back of (后部)
            • 在...旁边:next to by/beside
            • 在...附近:near/close to
            • 在....方向:in the east of (内部东面) on the east of (外部东面,接触) to the east of (不接触)
            • 在两者或三者以上之间:between from to among
            • 在...周围:around
            • 在...对面:opposite
          • 动态空间关系
            • 到...上:onto upon
            • 从...上越过:over
            • 离开:off
            • 到...里面:into
            • 到...外面: out of
            • 经过...:past
            • 超出:beyond
            • 沿着:along
            • 通过,穿过:through
            • 到...对面:across
            • 顺着:for
            • 逆着:against
            • 朝向:toward,towards
    2. 介词短语功能:
      • 状语:I put a book on the table
      • 表语:This book is on the table
      • 后置定语:a book on the table



