

作者: 孔洪波 | 来源:发表于2020-02-23 11:43 被阅读0次

    To interfere, to slow something down or make it worse by getting in the way.

    Having too many meetings is interfering with our work.

    I told her to leave us alone and not to interfere in our problems.


    All that noise is interfering with my ability to think.

    To reflect, to think about or consider something, or to throw back image as from a mirror.    反射,思考或考虑某物,或从镜子里反射出影像。

    Before I make a decision, I'd like some time to reflect.    在我做决定之前,我想先考虑一下。

    When you look into a mirror, your image is reflected back to you.


    When I reflect on something, I look at it again and again in my mind and try to see all sides of it.

    To influence, to have an effect on something.影响,对某事产生影响。

    I think she can help us influence the others.

    I don't think we can influence the final result.

    They don't care what we think, so it will be difficult to influence their decision.


    With his powerful support, maybe we can influence their decision to postpone the project.    有了他的大力支持,也许我们可以影响他们推迟这个项目的决定。

    To focus, to bring attention to something and make it clear.

    If we don't focus on something, we won't get anything done.

    We aren't sure what to focus on, so everyone is confused.


    he problem with that company is that they don't focus enough on improving quality.

    To exaggerate, to describe something is larger or more important than it really is.

    It's difficult to believe what he says because he always exaggerates.

    She said she could sell anything, but of course that was an exaggeration.    她说她可以卖任何东西,但当然那是夸张的。


    She said she was fluent in English, but she was exaggerating, so it's no surprise that she make so many mistakes.    她说她的英语很流利,但她言过其实,所以她犯这么多错误也就不足为奇了。


    Before making a quick decision,...he needs some time to reflect.

    I'm afraid this terrible news... may influence their decision to support us.

    To bring attention to something and make it clear.TO FOCUS.

    To slow something down or make it worse by getting in the way.TO INTERFERE.


    I told her to leave us alone and not interfere our problems.

    They don't care what we think, so it'll be difficult to influence their decision.

    She said she could sell anything but of course that was an exaggeration.


    Upon further reflection, I've decided to postpone the project.

    I don't think we can influence the final result.

    I'm afraid this terrible news may influence their decision to support us.


    They don't care what we think, so it will be difficult to influence their decision.

    With his powerful support, maybe we can influence their decision to postpone the project. 



