

作者: 姚宏民 | 来源:发表于2017-12-14 22:04 被阅读0次



usage: apktool
 -advance,--advanced   prints advance information.
 -version,--version    prints the version then exits
usage: apktool if|install-framework [options] <framework.apk>
 -p,--frame-path <dir>   Stores framework files into <dir>.
 -t,--tag <tag>          Tag frameworks using <tag>.
usage: apktool d[ecode] [options] <file_apk>
 -f,--force              Force delete destination directory.
 -o,--output <dir>       The name of folder that gets written. Default is apk.out
> -p,--frame-path <dir>   Uses framework files located in <dir>.
 -r,--no-res             Do not decode resources.
 -s,--no-src             Do not decode sources.
 -t,--frame-tag <tag>    Uses framework files tagged by <tag>.
#####usage: apktool b[uild] [options] <app_path>
 -f,--force-all          Skip changes detection and build all files.
 -o,--output <dir>       The name of apk that gets written. Default is dist/name.apk
 -p,--frame-path <dir>   Uses framework files located in <dir>.
For additional info, see: http://ibotpeaches.github.io/Apktool/
For smali/baksmali info, see: https://github.com/JesusFreke/smali

java -jar apktool.jar d [file.apk] -o [folder]
java -jar apktool.jar b [folder] -o [file.apk]


usage: ShakaApktool s[mali] [options] [--] [<smali-file>|folder]*
assembles a set of smali files into a dex file
 -?,--help                      显示帮助文本后退出.为调试选项指定的两倍
 -a,--api-level <API_LEVEL>     将按照API级别生成文件信息, 例如.14是ICS. 如果不指定, 默认为 15 (ICS).
 -f,--list-fields <FILE>        Lists all the field references to FILE
                                (<output_dex_filename>.fields by default)
 -j,--jobs <NUM_THREADS>        可用线程数量.默认为内核允许的数量,最大可调至6
 -m,--list-methods <FILE>       Lists all the method references to FILE
                                (<output_dex_filename>.methods by default)
 -o,--output <FILE>             dex文件名将被记录,默认命名为 out.dex
 -t,--list-types <FILE>         Lists all the type references to FILE
                                (<output_dex_filename>.types by default)
 -v,--version                   查看版本信息
 -x,--allow-odex-instructions   允许 odex 指令编译进 dex 文件.仅支持少数命令 -
                                那些可以存放至固定代码路径并且不会导致 dalvik 拒绝的类
 -X,--experimental              启用实验操作码进行编译,即使还不一定被Android运行支持

 -T,--print-tokens     显示每个完成的名字及文本
 -V,--verbose-errors   生成详细错误信息

******************** baksmali ********************

usage: ShakaApktool bs|baksmali [options] <dex-file>
disassembles and/or dumps a dex file
 -?,--help                                  显示帮助文本后退出.为调试选项指定的两倍
 -a,--api-level <API_LEVEL>                 The numeric api-level of the file
                                            being disassembled. 如果不指定, 默认为 15
 -b,--no-debug-info                         不输出debug信息 (.local, .param, .line,
 -c,--bootclasspath <BOOTCLASSPATH>         A colon-separated list of
                                            bootclasspath jar/oat files to use
                                            for analysis. Add an initial colon
                                            to specify that the jars/oats should
                                            be appended to the default
                                            bootclasspath instead of replacing
 -d,--bootclasspath-dir <DIR>               目录文件夹搜索 bootclasspath 文件.默认至当面目录
 -e,--dex-file <DEX_FILE>                   搜索文件名为 DEX_FILE 的dex文件,默认至
 -f,--code-offsets                          反编译时添加注释包含代码的每个偏移
 -i,--resource-id-files <FILES>             the resource ID files to use, for
                                            analysis. A colon-separated list of
                                            prefix=file pairs.  For example
 -j,--jobs <NUM_THREADS>                    可用线程数量.默认为内核允许的数量,最大可调至6
 -k,--check-package-private-access          When deodexing, use the
                                            package-private access check when
                                            calculating vtable indexes. It
                                            should only be needed for 4.2.0
                                            odexes. The functionality was
                                            reverted for 4.2.1.
 -l,--use-locals                            output the .locals directive with
                                            the number of non-parameter
                                            registers, rather than the .register
                                            directive with the total number of
 -li,--load-inline-method <file>            load inline method resolver from
 -m,--no-accessor-comments                  don't output helper comments for
                                            synthetic accessors
 -n,--normalize-virtual-methods             Normalize virtual method references
                                            to the reference the base method.
 -o,--output <DIR>                          the directory where the disassembled
                                            files will be placed. The default is
 -p,--no-parameter-registers                use the v<n> syntax instead of the
                                            p<n> syntax for registers mapped to
                                            method parameters
 -r,--register-info <REGISTER_INFO_TYPES>   print the specificed type(s) of
                                            register information for each
                                            instruction. "ARGS,DEST" is the
                                            default if no types are specified.
                                            Valid values are:
                                            ALL: all pre- and post-instruction
                                            ALLPRE: all pre-instruction
                                            ALLPOST: all post-instruction
                                            ARGS: any pre-instruction registers
                                            used as arguments to the instruction
                                            DEST: the post-instruction
                                            destination register, if any
                                            MERGE: Any pre-instruction register
                                            has been merged from more than 1
                                            different post-instruction register
                                            from its predecessors
                                            FULLMERGE: For each register that
                                            would be printed by MERGE, also show
                                            the incoming register types that
                                            were merged
 -s,--sequential-labels                     create label names using a
                                            sequential numbering scheme per
                                            label type, rather than using the
                                            bytecode address
 -t,--implicit-references                   Use implicit (type-less) method and
                                            field references
 -v,--version                               查看版本信息
 -x,--deodex                                deodex the given odex file. This
                                            option is ignored if the input file
                                            is not an odex file
 -X,--experimental                          enable experimental opcodes to be
                                            disassembled, even if they aren't
                                            necessarily supported in the Android
                                            runtime yet

 -D,--dump-to <FILE>        dumps the given dex file into a single annotated
                            dump file named FILE (<dexfile>.dump by default),
                            along with the normal disassembly
 -I,--ignore-errors         ignores any non-fatal errors that occur while
                            disassembling/deodexing, ignoring the class if
                            needed, and continuing with the next class. The
                            default behavior is to stop disassembling and exit
                            once an error is encountered
 -N,--no-disassembly        suppresses the output of the disassembly
 -T,--inline-table <FILE>   specify a file containing a custom inline method
                            table to use for deodexing

java -jar ShakaApktool.jar d [file.apk] -o [folder]
java -jar ShakaApktool.jar b [folder] -o [file.apk]


apk回编的时候出现:error=206, 文件名或扩展名太长




