

作者: 迟凝丶捏米么 | 来源:发表于2020-08-20 10:49 被阅读0次



    websocket-bench 安装:

    npm install -g websocket-bench --registry=http://registry.npm.taobao.org


    [root@localhost tmp]# ulimit -a
    core file size          (blocks, -c) 0
    data seg size           (kbytes, -d) unlimited
    scheduling priority             (-e) 0
    file size               (blocks, -f) unlimited
    pending signals                 (-i) 514944
    max locked memory       (kbytes, -l) 64
    max memory size         (kbytes, -m) unlimited
    open files                      (-n) 65535
    pipe size            (512 bytes, -p) 8
    POSIX message queues     (bytes, -q) 819200
    real-time priority              (-r) 0
    stack size              (kbytes, -s) 8192
    cpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited
    max user processes              (-u) 514944
    virtual memory          (kbytes, -v) unlimited
    file locks                      (-x) unlimited
    [root@localhost tmp]# ulimit -n   
    [root@localhost tmp]# ulimit -u   


    [root@localhost ~]# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
    14976   0   13071862
    已分配文件句柄的数目     已分配未使用文件句柄的数目      文件句柄的最大数目 


    java8@linux-u734:~># ll /proc/16109/fd|wc -l


    [root@localhost ~]# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
    32768   60999

    在一台测试机上,连接到一个远程服务时的本地端口是有限的。根据TCP/IP协议,由于端口是16位整数,也就只能是0到 65535,而0到1023是预留端口,所以能分配的端口只是1024到65534,也就是64511个。也就是说,一台机器一个IP只能创建六万多个websocket长连接。

    websocket-bench 命令


    Usage: websocket-bench [options] <server>
      -h, --help               Output usage information
      -V, --version            Output the version number
      -a, --amount <n>         Total number of persistent connection, Default to 100
      -c, --concurency <n>     Concurent connection per second, Default to 20
      -w, --worker <n>         Number of worker(s)
      -g, --generator <file>   Js file for generate message or special event
      -m, --message <n>        Number of message for a client. Default to 0
      -o, --output <output>    Output file
      -t, --type <type>        Type of websocket server to bench(socket.io, engine.io, faye, primus, wamp). Default to socket.io
      -p, --transport <type>   Type of transport to websocket(engine.io, websockets, browserchannel, sockjs, socket.io). Default to websockets (Just for Primus)
      -k, --keep-alive         Keep alive connection
      -v, --verbose            Verbose Logging


    • 参数简单描述:
      -t:这里就是关键点了,选择primus的话,发到服务端的请求的后缀就是/primus ,一定要注意,注意,注意,下面给出解释
    websocket-bench -a 20000 -c 1000 -g generator.js -t primus -p websockets -k -v  ws://
    Launch bench with 20000 total connection, 1000 concurent connection
    0 message(s) send by client
    1 worker(s)
    WS server : primus
    file server : /home/tmp/generator.js
    Benchmark Options {"generatorFile":"/home/tmp/generator.js","type":"primus","transport":"websockets","keepAlive":true,"verbose":true}
    trying : 1000 ...
    trying : 2000 ...
    trying : 3000 ...
    trying : 4000 ...
    trying : 5000 ...
    trying : 6000 ...
    trying : 7000 ...
    trying : 8000 ...
    trying : 9000 ...
    trying : 10000 ...
    trying : 11000 ...
    trying : 12000 ...
    trying : 13000 ...
    trying : 14000 ...
    trying : 15000 ...
    trying : 16000 ...
    trying : 17000 ...
    trying : 18000 ...
    trying : 19000 ...
    trying : 20000 ...
    #### steps report ####
    │ Number │ Connections │ Errors │ Duration(ms) │
    │ 1000   │ 1000        │ 0      │ 4432         │
    │ 2000   │ 1000        │ 0      │ 4176         │
    │ 3000   │ 1000        │ 0      │ 3173         │
    │ 4000   │ 1000        │ 0      │ 2859         │
    │ 5000   │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1858         │
    │ 6000   │ 1000        │ 0      │ 2405         │
    │ 7000   │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1404         │
    │ 8000   │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1471         │
    │ 9000   │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1432         │
    │ 10000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1448         │
    │ 11000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1485         │
    │ 12000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1466         │
    │ 13000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1520         │
    │ 14000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1435         │
    │ 15000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1440         │
    │ 16000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1435         │
    │ 17000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1503         │
    │ 18000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1528         │
    │ 19000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1458         │
    │ 20000  │ 1000        │ 0      │ 1099         │
    #### total report ####
    │ Number │ Connections │ Errors │ Message Send │ Message Fail │ Duration(ms) │
    │ 20000  │ 20000       │ 0      │ 0            │ 0            │ 20133        │
    generator.js 文件内容
        module.exports = {
             * Before connection (optional, just for faye)
             * @param {client} client connection
            beforeConnect : function(client) {
              // Example:
              // client.setHeader('Authorization', 'OAuth abcd-1234');
              // client.disable('websocket');
             * On client connection (required)
             * @param {client} client connection
             * @param {done} callback function(err) {} 
            onConnect : function(client, done) {
              // Faye client
              // client.subscribe('/channel', function(message) { });
              // Socket.io client
              // client.emit('test', { hello: 'world' });
              // Primus client
              var json = {"id":"1597740003592","type":"1","from":"A","to":"sys","body":"你好~1597740003592","timestamps":"1597740003592"};
              // WAMP session
              // client.subscribe('com.myapp.hello').then(function(args) { });
             * Send a message (required)
             * @param {client} client connection
             * @param {done} callback function(err) {} 
            sendMessage : function(client, done) {
              // Example:
              // client.emit('test', { hello: 'world' });
              // client.publish('/test', { hello: 'world' });
              // client.call('com.myapp.add2', [2, 3]).then(function (res) { });
              // Primus client
              var jsonSend = '{"body":"1111","convid":"A-B","from":"A","id":"1597740584552","timestamps":"1597740584552","to":"B","type":"4"}';
             * WAMP connection options
            options : {
              // realm: 'chat'


    针对 primus 问题
            .addLast("http-server-codec", new HttpServerCodec())//包括HttpRequestDecoder和HttpResponseEncoder
            .addLast("http-object-aggregator", new HttpObjectAggregator(512 * 1024))//最大512kb
            .addLast("http-decompressor", new HttpContentCompressor())//压缩
            .addLast("chunked-write", new ChunkedWriteHandler())
            .addLast("ws-server-protocol", new WebSocketServerProtocolHandler("/primus")) //没错,这里要改成这个
            .addLast("ws-compression", new WebSocketServerCompressionHandler())
    针对 -k保持连接问题

    后台会收到primus::ping::1597835497940这种数据串,在handler处理下就行。不清楚 websocket-bench 需要在primus下,需要什么样的PONG类型,我这里的处理方式只是直接抛给TailContext尾节点处理


    Socket(s) * Core(s) per socket = 16
    java8@linux-u734:~> lscpu
    Architecture:          x86_64
    CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
    Byte Order:            Little Endian
    CPU(s):                16
    On-line CPU(s) list:   0-15
    Thread(s) per core:    1
    Core(s) per socket:    1
    Socket(s):             16
    NUMA node(s):          2
    Vendor ID:             GenuineIntel
    CPU family:            6
    Model:                 85
    Stepping:              4
    CPU MHz:               2300.000
    BogoMIPS:              4600.00
    Hypervisor vendor:     VMware
    Virtualization type:   full
    L1d cache:             32K
    L1i cache:             32K
    L2 cache:              1024K
    L3 cache:              16896K
    NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0-7
    NUMA node1 CPU(s):     8-15
    java8@linux-u734:~> free -g
                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:            62         19         43          0          0         16
    -/+ buffers/cache:          2         60
    Swap:            2          0          2

    后端单机 java 程序的性能如下:


    #### total report ####
    │ Number │ Connections │ Errors │ Message Send │ Message Fail │ Duration(ms) │
    │ 10000  │ 10000       │ 0      │ 0            │ 0            │ 17809        │
    │ Number │ Connections │ Errors │ Message Send │ Message Fail │ Duration(ms) │
    │ 20000  │ 20000       │ 0      │ 0            │ 0            │ 20086        │
    java8@linux-u734:~> top -p 16109
      PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S   %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                                                                                                                                                                                                       
    16109 java8     20   0 18.8g 1.1g  12m S      120%  1.7  10:37.35 java 
    java8@linux-u734:~> jstat -gcutil 16109  1000
      S0     S1     E      O      M     CCS    YGC     YGCT    FGC    FGCT     GCT   
      0.00  80.57   8.45  40.28  95.23  89.58    165    3.316     1    0.179    3.495
      0.00  80.57  33.28  40.28  95.23  89.58    165    3.316     1    0.179    3.495
      0.00  80.57  62.27  40.28  95.23  89.58    165    3.316     1    0.179    3.495
      0.00  80.57  94.40  40.28  95.23  89.58    165    3.316     1    0.179    3.495
     61.81   0.00  10.11  47.75  95.23  89.58    166    3.354     1    0.179    3.534
     61.81   0.00  21.85  47.75  95.23  89.58    166    3.354     1    0.179    3.534
     61.81   0.00  34.79  47.75  95.23  89.58    166    3.354     1    0.179    3.534
     61.81   0.00  44.78  47.75  95.23  89.58    166    3.354     1    0.179    3.534
     61.81   0.00  50.11  47.75  95.23  89.58    166    3.354     1    0.179    3.534
     61.81   0.00  74.89  47.75  95.23  89.58    166    3.354     1    0.179    3.534
     61.81   0.00  82.40  47.75  95.23  89.58    166    3.354     1    0.179    3.534
     61.81   0.00  95.23  47.75  95.23  89.58    166    3.354     1    0.179    3.534
      0.00  78.79  11.74  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  20.07  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  32.35  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  44.46  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  56.51  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  67.21  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  67.37  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  67.37  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  73.58  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  76.25  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  79.68  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  82.03  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  85.38  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
      0.00  78.79  94.62  54.10  95.23  89.58    167    3.393     1    0.179    3.572
     46.73   0.00   1.32  62.40  95.23  89.58    168    3.429     1    0.179    3.608




