
作者: 季呓Jibberish | 来源:发表于2019-03-04 09:54 被阅读0次


NY Weather Advisories



正好读到大学同学刚出炉的诗作,搬来应个景。Such sensitivity, such fluidity, such erudition, such panache!


Spring Overture  (《春序曲》)

Oh, where art thou,

Goddess of Spring?

Are you lamenting the long, wanton Winter,

the tepid Sun, and your ever impetuous evil twin sister Snow,

Waiting to shed your white shroud of mourning

and dance in your bridal brocade of golden daffodils, blue roses, and purple lilacs, the sheen of the new green grass

your glowing sweet smile?

Are you playing the avenging Turandot,

unmoved by another yet another death-defying prince,

until you surrender to Love’s seductive serenade?

Or are you mimicking the child-bride Cho Cho San,

shielding your joyful heart from the thousand staring stars and

your impatient groom on your wedding night?

Are you listening to the overture of the twittering birds,

the drip drop of snow melting from the roof top,

A crisp clear chord of Chopin’s Nocturnal Sonata,

And the rise and fall  of a chirping oboe

before you sing your ardent aria

of renewed youth, freedom, and love?

Oh, where art thou,

Goddess of Spring?

作者:欧阳慧宁  教授


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