I am done with the model which I send my work very late, as I can’t focus on writing after 9 pm every day. So I made up my mind — publishing it in the very early time.
So today I learnt a topic about fatigue, and I am very glad to share it with you. Because it’s a very broad concept that a lot of people suffer from and feel tired all the time. It’s a very pervasive unpleasant feeling and it has a very negative impact on your life, on your moods, on your ability to function, in terms of work, exercise and look after your children. It’s a very broad symptom and fatigue can have a very negative impact on your quality of life.
There are two factors causing fatigue, from external factors for feeling tired all the time will include being under great amounts of stress. This could be work stress. This could be relationship stress, financial stress. This can lead to you having a low mood which lead to you feeling tired all the time.
From an internal point of view, there are many disease processes and physical reasons why you might feel tired all the time. If you have a decrease in Vitamin D levels, depending on what country you live in and how much sunlight you are exposed to, you maybe suffering from and having low D Vitamin levels. This can also lead to you feeling tired all the time.
Right now, I believe you have a common knowing to fatigue. Once we know the reason, then we will find some solutions to figure out. That’s why we share the paper. Hope you enjoy it and learn something from it.