Are you religious? 2018-12-25

Are you religious? 2018-12-25

作者: Daniel11111 | 来源:发表于2018-12-24 00:43 被阅读8次


    Are you a Christian or a Catholic

    Are you religious?

    Thanks for the invite

    slam word 

    you guys know it. (good guy)

    I did a course in religious studies

    I am probably more of a Buddhist culturally. But I do not really go to temple to worship

    But you do believe in Buddhist teachings?

    When were you baptized?

    I felt a calling

    I used to be an atheist. But now I do believe in a higher power. It might be God. It might be Buddha. 

    Are you a practicing buddhist. (believing Buddhist)

    I missed my calling. 

    dunks you in the water 


    umbrella term 覆盖性术语

    Buddha 佛

    Buddhist a. 佛的

    touchy 敏感性的 (emotional)

    Pope 罗马教皇

    mosque 清真寺

    Islam 伊斯兰教

    minister 牧师

    fervent a. 热诚的

    synagogue (犹太教)

    Judaism 犹太教

    Hinduism 印度教

    Muslim 回教徒

    Koran 古兰经

    conscious decision 

    Bible=good book

    intrinsic 内在的 (intrinsic motivation)= you heart is pushing you to do it. 

    agnostic 不可知论=believe in a god but do not belong to one religion 

    spiritualism 唯心论 = believe in something greater than yourself 

    spirituality 精神性

    denomination 教派

    subscribe 同意,赞同

    taboo 戒律

    culturally/ religiously 

    dunks 将(某人某物)在水中浸一下

    blessed a. 被祝福的


    Believe 相信某个观点是正确的

    Believe in 指相信事物存在 

    Do you believe in ghosts?

    Many people in the world believe in God?

    Some people believe in life after death. 



        本文标题:Are you religious? 2018-12-25
