#字符串替换 bytearray.replace(old, new[, count])
phone_number = '1386-666-0006'
hiding_number = phone_number.replace(phone_number[:9], '*' * 9)
#字符串查找 bytearray.find(sub[, start[, end]])
# Return the lowest index in the data where the subsequence sub is found
search = '168'
num_a = '1386-168-0006'
num_b = '1681-222-0006'
print(search + ' is at ' + str(num_a.find(search)) + ' to ' + str(num_a.find(search) + len(search)-1) + ' of num_a')
print(search + ' is at ' + str(num_b.find(search)) + ' to ' + str(num_b.find(search) + len(search)-1) + ' of num_b')
print('{} a word she can get what she {} for.'.format('with', 'came'))
print('{preposition} a word she can get what she {verb} for'.format(preposition='with', verb='came'))
print('{0} a word she can get what she {1} for'.format('with', 'came'))
168 is at 5 to 7 of num_a
168 is at 0 to 2 of num_b
with a word she can get what she came for.
with a word she can get what she came for
with a word she can get what she came for