

作者: 迦勒Caleb | 来源:发表于2017-10-15 07:54 被阅读0次



耶稣坐下,叫十二门徒来,对他们说:“谁想为首,就该作众人中最末的一个,作众人的仆人。”  (马可福音 9:35 新译本)






1. 纯领导:这种领袖就是喜欢掌控大权的人。他们活着就为了要领导,也确保别人知道这一点。扫罗王就是这样的一个领导。他只考虑自己的头衔和权利,不去关心他的子民,也不去考虑授权给他们。这样的领导随处可见。他们追求地位,就要拔尖争先。能从他们身上看到骄傲、控制和傲慢。不幸的是西方文化会滋生这样的领导,即使在教会里。他们领导就是为了让人们追随他。这是一个上下等级分明的领导方式。他们首要的任务就是聚敛个人成就,并确保没有人爬到他们之上。扫罗王想方设法防止大卫掌权。神经兮兮的领导也倾其所有来抓住自己的位置不放。

2. 仆人式领袖:这种领袖渴望成为一个仆人,但是却不愿意放下领袖的头衔儿。仆人式领袖这个叫法就是一种矛盾的修辞法。耶稣想让我们降为卑成为仆人,却不让我们被升高成为领袖。他也从来没有说过要成为仆人式领袖。这是一个现代人造出的新词儿,让领袖们认为他们两个方面都得到最大利益。仆人式领袖愿意去服侍,但却不愿意被别人当做仆人。彼得曾是一个仆人式领袖,他渴望跟随基督,成为门徒。但当别人认出他是耶稣的跟随者时,他否认了。他热爱权力。做一个冲到前面的领袖对彼得来说很容易,他从来没想过要做一个破碎的,完全降伏基督的跟随者。五旬节过后他发生了改变,他意识到做仆人式领袖不行。

3. 纯仆人:这种领袖其实就是一个仆人。一个没有权力的奴隶---是仆人中的仆人。他们愿意以谦卑和自我牺牲的形式来服侍他人。纯仆人不仅仅愿意成为仆人,而且愿意被看待成一个仆人。没有抱怨和牢骚。不需要被人赞美、感谢和鼓励。纯仆人也不会去论断他人是否是仆人,单单地希望他们也能感受到做仆人中的仆人的喜乐。巴拿巴是个纯仆人。他不求回报的帮助保罗和服侍教会。在使徒行传中他被描述成满有圣灵和信心的人。他不嫌弃任何一项任务,他也没有任何需要证明的事物。他的服侍就是为了给予而不是索取。他从不关心自己是否受欢迎。纯仆人想要塑造基督一样的品格,而不是在人面前得到的美名。





2. 你认识的人中谁是纯仆人?他们有怎样的特点?

3. 在体育界中为什么成为纯仆人这么困难?

4. 如果你努力想要成为纯仆人,你的球队、学校、家庭和社区会发生怎样的改变?


人不要求自己的好处,却要求别人的好处。  (哥林多前书 10:24 新译本)


耶稣对他们说:“各国都有君王统治他们,他们的掌权者称为恩主, 但你们却不要这样;你们中间最大的,应当像最小的;作首领的,应当像服事人的。 哪一个大呢?是坐着吃喝的还是服事人的呢?不是坐着吃喝的吗?然而我在你们中间,如同服事人的。 我在磨炼之中,常常和我同在的就是你们。 父怎样把王权赐给我,我也照样赐给你们, 叫你们在我的国里坐在我的席上吃喝,又坐在宝座上审判以色列的十二支派。 (路加福音 22:25-30 新译本)

耶稣洗完了门徒的脚,就穿上外衣,再坐下来,对他们说:“我给你们作的,你们明白吗? 你们称呼我‘老师,主’,你们说得对,我本来就是。 我是主,是老师,尚且洗你们的脚,你们也应当彼此洗脚。 我作了你们的榜样,是要你们也照着我所作的去行。  (约翰福音 13:12-15 新译本)






Three Types of Leaders


He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said, “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.” — Mark 9:35 (NLT)


So, are you a leader or a servant? I know you probably said both! But let’s press into that question. We love leading, but do we love serving? We attend leadership conferences and read leadership books. When is the last time you attended a serving retreat or read a serving article? We have FCA Leadership Camps but not Serving Camps. Do you think kids beg their parents, “Please sign me up for an FCA Serving Camp!” Not a chance! Everyone is seeking leadership, but who is desiring serving?

Over the last ten years of traveling to dozens of countries with FCA, I have met hundreds of amazing leaders from around the world who have modeled what it means to be a servant. They view themselves as just plain old servants—not leaders or even servant-leaders. They are not obsessed with titles, positions, accolades and accomplishments. They are humble, faithful, God-glorifying servants.

They have taught me a new way to view leadership, and I now believe there are three types of leaders:

1. Leader-Leader: This type of leader is one that enjoys being in charge. They live to lead and to make sure that others know it. King Saul was a Leader-Leader. He liked his title and power more than he liked the people he served or the desire to empower them. Leader-Leaders are everywhere. They seek positions and desire to be on top and first. They are marked with pride, control and arrogance. Unfortunately, the western culture breeds this kind of leader, even within the church. They lead so that people will follow them. It is a top-down leadership style that puts people in their place. Their primary job is to amass personal accomplishments and make sure no one climbs higher than them. King Saul did whatever possible to keep David from power. White-knuckled leaders grasp their position with everything they have.

2. Servant-Leader: This type of leader desires to be a servant, but is not willing to let go of the title of leader. A Servant-Leader is actually an oxymoron. Jesus expects us to take the low position of a servant, not the high position of a leader. Jesus taught on being last, not first, and being a servant, not a leader. Nowhere did He talk about being a Servant-Leader. It is a modern, man-made term that allows leaders to think they can have best of both worlds. A Servant-Leader is one who is willing to be a servant but does not want to be treated like a servant. Peter was a Servant-Leader. He desired to follow Christ and be a disciple, but when others identified him as a follower, he denied Jesus. He loved power. Being an out-front- leader was easy for Peter, but being a broken, surrendered follower of Christ was not part of the plan. He changed after Pentecost and realized that being a Servant-Leader was not the answer.

3. Servant-Servant: This type of leader is just a servant; a bondservant who has no rights—a servant of servants. There is willingness to serve others in sacrificial, humbling ways. A Servant-Servant is one who is not only willing to be a servant, but is also willing to be treated like a servant. No complaining and no murmuring. No need for praise, thanks or encouragement. The Servant-Servant does not judge others for not being a servant, but has a pure desire for them to experience the joy of being a servant of servants. Barnabas was a Servant-Servant. He served Paul and the church, and he expected nothing in return. He was described in Acts as a man full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. No task was beneath him. He had nothing to prove. He served to give not get. He was never worried about his popularity. A Servant-Servant seeks to develop a Christ-like character, not a man-made reputation.

God calls us to be a Servant-Servant. Period. Ask Him to show you what it means to be a Servant-Servant. He would love to hear that prayer. He can do a lot with that simple prayer. Being a Servant-Servant can change your family, school, team, church, community and country. I have met many men and women around the world who are Servant-Servants. And they are changing the world!


Honestly assess which type of leader you are. Why are you wired that way?Who do you know who is a Servant-Servant? What characteristics do they display?Why is it so hard to be a Servant-Servant in the world of sports?If you would strive to be a Servant-Servant, how could it change your team, school, family and community?


1 Corinthians 10:24; Luke 22:24-30; John 13:12-15


Lord, teach me what it means to be a servant of servants. I want to be a Servant-Servant who is transforming my team, school, family and community. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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