

作者: 张俊豪 | 来源:发表于2019-01-21 23:47 被阅读83次

I joined  the Colleague English  oral test 6 yesterday ,in  fact, i didn't  even have a good prepare for it. Unluckly ,the candidate who  opposited to me always laughting without any signs during this test. I don't know why ,maybe his partner's  voice sounds amusing. whatever,the ambience got embarrassed.finally,i didn't success in this test.

all in all,this experience did teach a lesson for me.

as the proverb goes:A man's achievement depends on the total effective learning  hours  .

by the way ,I'll keep improving clinical medicine study,i do have a long way to go .this whole semester have already left two months for me .So i need to make the best use of my time.

Seven years is a lifetime:19/11/2018#191

AS usual,I have already finished my daily schedule because it's operable , reasonable and contains a deadline.

Deadline is extremely essential for us to realize our goals.Without it,we usually tend to relax our  vigilance and the time could elapse unconsiously.

Get to the point,it's not easy for us to stick to  do one thing.Only can we  enjoy ourselves we can make it smother.

easier said than done.

wise to live,born to win.

ps:welcome to leave your advice underline.I'll be appreciate for it.

seven years is a lifetime:21/11/2018#192

Actually ,I have met  Marj accidently who is a 24 years old lady on the net recently.Till today,I fond she is a bilingual learner ,I can't put up with the one who has the same age to me and can speak a fluent English.English is not her native language.

It is  common .there are amount of boys and girls own an excellent English skills.But only when he enters your life,can you recognize your incompetence.

No comparison,no harm.

Ok,so much for that,Let'S try to catch up with them.such as Marj and Joe yun.:)

Seven years is a life time:22/11/2018#193

What i want to say is that we are facing challenges from different fields as long as we are living. but our nature brings us to stay in comfort zone.WE have to  alert what we are thinking about .AND escaping comfort zone to query what we believing consistently.

WE derived from the matrix.and we are willing to die in the grave.BOth the matrix and the grave are comfort zone.and bettwen matrix and grave is study zone.

And that is life.that is reality.

ENGLISH for classic lines:

Is life always this hard,or is it just when you are a kid?

Always like this.

Seven years is a lifetime:21/11/2018#193

when i was reviewing TItanic , Rose's finace managed to embarrass Jack at the party. And he was trying his best to persuade Rose to marry him. but why  he can not be the marrying man ?I have fonded a common rule:a man owns a fluky heart or false mind will never obtain what he want.

Growth means a series of lessons.I have made the same mistakes as the characters again.as the saying goes: no zuo no die.

The greatest success is make no mistake.

Seven years is a lifetime:27/11/2018#196


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