Everything is imperfectly perfect.
早晨醒来,打开冰箱,拿出葡萄,一看不太新鲜,到期日,就是今天。 有点晕,这是昨天刚订的货,中午到的时候,我也没检查...
Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing fla...
《我辈皆不完美By Lili Reinhart 下》 We are all imperfectly beautif...
We are all imperfectly beautiful. 《我辈皆不完美》【上】By Lili Re...
It may not be perfect but it's perfect and perfect in my ...
好久没有打游戏,这几天,那种perfect感爆棚了,简直。 啥perfect?就是那种你做的每件事都完全在掌控范畴...
He is not perfect , I am not perfect too .But at that tim...
Perfect and imperfect Every moment is perfect, because th...
Practice makes perfect? 错; Right practice makes perfect, ...
本文标题:Imperfectly perfect