2018/3/27 《sense and sensibility

2018/3/27 《sense and sensibility

作者: Hello西西 | 来源:发表于2018-03-27 14:35 被阅读0次

一家人从Norland搬到了Barton valley,虽然现在的住处跟原有的奢华生活有冲撞,但是大家还是在非常短的时间内接受了现实,而且对难得的住处心怀感恩,而且要规划好好开始新的生活。

还好Sir John 和 Lady Middleton 对Mrs Dashwood一家都很好,让他们感受到了很大的温暖。非常客气的跟他们家叫他们安顿好之前每天都可以去Barton Park去吃饭,也不是随便说说,在他走后,for within an hour after he left them, a large basket full of garden stuff and fruit arrived from the Park. 


On every forma visit a child ought to be of the party, by way of provision for discourse. In the present case it took up ten minutes to determine whether the boy were most like his mother or father, and in what particular he resembled either...


Chapter 7

Dashwood 一家接受了Sir John的邀请,去Barton Park做客,主人邀请了另外两个客人,一个是Lady Middletons 的母亲 Mrs Jennings,一位是Sir John的朋友Colonel Brandon. Mrs Jennings 看得出来是一个非常热情,幽默的老太太。开让女孩们感到难堪的玩笑,像文中写的,

hoped they had not left their hearts behind them in Sussex, and pretended to see them blush whether they did or not. 

Colonel Brandon话不多,在这次聚会上却赢得了Marianne的欢心,对比像Lady Middletons表现的浮夸和显得不尊敬人(不停的让Sir John点歌,而且还让Marianne重复的唱已经完成的歌曲),他就显得沉稳多了。

Colonel brandon alone, of all the party, heard her without being in raptures. He paid her only the comppliment of attention. 

而最终Colonel Brandon有没有和Marianne在一起呢,我们一起期待下一章节的故事吧。



      本文标题:2018/3/27 《sense and sensibility
