What is "good" Playback theatre
Jo Salas
Playback theatre is theatre, and theatre is art.
Playback is theatre not simply because that is how it has been named, but becausewhat we do in playback fulfills the very essence of theatre's intention: to convey human experience by enacting it in distilled form; to embody narrative and meaning in the realm of space and time.
It is also an interactive social process with the purpose of service to its audience; a purpose that most other kinds of theatre do not share.
Since playback's earliest days, questions relating to aesthetics and to artistic standards have raised themselves constantly.
Can this really be theatre if it is also service?
Are we doing it well enough?
Can we expect to be acknowledged by others as theatre artists?
How can we recognize and measure success in playback?
How can we refine it?
Whatdo we mean by "good" playback?
What we do is art, but not only art, and maybe not always art. Playback's effectiveness involves artistic excellence—but artistic excellence alone does not ensure success, and further, playback theatre can, in certain circumstances, be fulfilled by people lacking artistic sensibility, skill, or experience.
A Meeting Place
A playback theatre event is integrally both an artistic event and an interactive social event involving both complex group dynamics and sensitive one-to-one communication.
If the task of art is the creation of form to express the artist's perception of meaning,then the playback artist's task, specifically, is to create cohesive ad shapely pieces of theatre based on an acute sense of the meaning of the teller's story. It is their artist's sensibility that enables playback performers to transform moments from real lives,however simply or roughly told, into well-crafted dramas that have resonance for the audience as well as for the teller. Drawing on their aesthetic sense of story, as well aslanguage, metaphor, and stagecraft, they create art, embodying a pattern of elements in relation to each other in such a way as to suggest the wisdom contained in a larger reality. For the audience, watching and listening is an aesthetic experience—in other words, an experience of affirmation, expansion, revelation, and delight.
This art is different from an art that only seeks to convey the artist's vision: it is an art that is committed to affirming ordinary people's experience and to fostering connections between them so that the communities we live in can grow in compassion and humanity.
We strive to hone our art in order to offer it as service. Playback is a fusion, perhaps a unique one, of artistic and social phenomena. The more it can fulfill the demands both, the more it can succeed.
Every playback practitioner is familiar with the experience of frustration and chagrin when the process seems to fail, and with the elation that can come when it works. The assessment depends somewhat on whether you are considering a whole show or a single scene, whether it is a performance or an applied context such as a therapy or training group, whether you are a performer, a teller, or an audience member, and so on. However, I believe that the criteria I've proposed for success in art and interactive social events will consistently apply, along with some further qualities specific to playback.
Fortunately, the majority of playback performers are committed to its fundamental purposes. They understand the dual requirement for artistic and interpersonal sophistication; they are artists enough to respect the aesthetic qualities of story itself without distortion in the direction of psychological interpretation. And they achieve what we might call "good enough" playback, on the analogy of Bettelheim's idea of "good enough" parenting: playback that generally fulfills both the artistic and interactive criteria to an adequate degree despite inevitable shortcomings.
In striving to fulfill the work as best it can, every company faces choices about how collectively-oriented they want to be. What is more important to the group, the highest possible standards of performance or a democratic access to conducting, acting, and music? Do you leave the conducting in the hands of the most skilled, or do you commit to training everyone to conduct? Do you rotate roles during a performance as an expression of equality, in spite of a possible drop in standards? The guideline of "good enough" playback is the final determinant of how a group balances the sometimes conflicting demands of democracy and excellence.
he idea that "good enough" playback theatre depends on fulfilling the criteria for success both in art and in interactive social events has implications for training. Whether in companies or in workshops, new performers can be encouraged to develop an artist's sensibility—an aesthetic awareness of form and design, and a commitment to art's purpose of revealing meaning through inspired metaphor and image. They can also, from the beginning, learn about the need for sensitivity and skill in communication and in guiding the functioning of a group.