btcd (Bitcoin go)启动流程

btcd (Bitcoin go)启动流程

作者: terryc007 | 来源:发表于2018-08-25 16:48 被阅读69次

    btcdMain 流程


    1. main包

    package main
    import (
    var (
       cfg *config
    func winServiceMain()(bool, error) {
       fmt.Println("btcd service runing...")
       return true, nil
    func btcdMain(serverChan chan<- *server) error {
       // 加载配置,解析命令行选项。
       tcfg, _, err := loadConfig()
       if err != nil {
          return err
       cfg = tcfg
       interrupt := interruptListener()
       defer btcdLog.Info("Shutdown complete")
       // 打印版本信息
       btcdLog.Infof("Version %s", version())
       // 开启http服务器性能监测
       if cfg.Profile != "" {
          go func() {
             listenAddr := net.JoinHostPort("", cfg.Profile)
             btcdLog.Infof("Profile server listening on %s", listenAddr)
       // 开启cpu性能监测
       if cfg.CPUProfile != "" {
          btcdLog.Info("CPU Profile start")
       // 升级老版本数据库相关文件路径
       if err := doUpgrades(); err != nil {
          btcdLog.Errorf("%v", err)
          return err
       // 是否有中断信号
       if interruptRequested(interrupt) {
          return nil
       // 加载区块数据库
       db, err := loadBlockDB()
       if err != nil {
          btcdLog.Errorf("%v", err)
          return err
       defer func() {
          btcdLog.Info("Gracefully shutting down the database...")
       // 是否有中断信号
       if interruptRequested(interrupt) {
          return nil
       // 删除地址索引,并退出程序
       // 注意: 在这里删除顺序很重要,因为删除交易索引同时也会删除地址索引。
       // 因为交易索引会依赖地址索引
       if cfg.DropAddrIndex {
          btcdLog.Info("Drop Address index done")
       // 删除交易索引,并退出程序
       if cfg.DropTxIndex {
          btcdLog.Info("Drop transaction index done")
       // 删除交易索引,并退出程序
       if cfg.DropCfIndex {
          btcdLog.Info("Drop cf(committed filter) index done")
       // 创建服务器,并启动
       server, err := newServer(cfg.Listeners, db, activeNetParams.Params, interrupt)
       if err != nil {
          btcdLog.Errorf("Failed to start server on %v: %v", cfg.Listeners, err)
          return err
       defer func(){
          btcdLog.Infof("Gracefully shutting down the server...")
       if serverChan != nil {
          serverChan <- server
       return nil
    func loadBlockDB()(database.DB, error)  {
       return &database.SimpleDB{}, nil
    func main()  {
       //设置触发GC垃圾收集器阀值: 10% , 即 最新分布的内存大小/上次GC之后活动内存大小*100
       //设置进程能打开的最大文件资源,即file descriptor数量。做linux系统中,所有资源(pipe, socket, file等等)都以文件形式出现。
       if err := limits.SetLimits(); err != nil {
          fmt.Printf("Failed to set limits: %v \n", err)
       if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
          isService, err := winServiceMain()
          if err != nil {
             fmt.Printf("Failed to start windows service: %v \n", err)
          if isService {
       if err := btcdMain(nil); err != nil {
          fmt.Printf("Failed to start btcd server: %v", err)
    package main
    type config struct {
       Profile string
       CPUProfile string
       DropAddrIndex bool
       DropTxIndex bool
       DropCfIndex bool
       Listeners []string
    // loadConfig 通过配置文件,命令行选项来初始化配置
    // 配置处理按下面的流程进行:
    // 1 ) 启动时,使用默认配置
    // 2 ) 预解释命令行,检查是否有另外指定的配置文件
    // 3 ) 加载配置文件,并覆盖默认设置
    // 4 ) 解释命令行选项,覆盖或添加新指定的配置
    func loadConfig()(*config, []string, error)  {
       return &config{}, nil, nil
    package main
    import "fmt"
    type Level uint32
    type sLoger struct {
    var (
       btcdLog = new(sLoger)
    func (l *sLoger)Tracef(format string, params ...interface{}) {
    func (l *sLoger)Debugf(format string, params ...interface{}) {
    // Infof formats message according to format specifier and writes to
    // log with LevelInfo.
    func (l *sLoger)Infof(format string, params ...interface{}) {
       fmt.Printf(format, params)
    // Warnf formats message according to format specifier and writes to
    // to log with LevelWarn.
    func (l* sLoger)Warnf(format string, params ...interface{}) {
    // Errorf formats message according to format specifier and writes to
    // to log with LevelError.
    func (l* sLoger)Errorf(format string, params ...interface{}) {
       fmt.Printf(format, params)
    // Criticalf formats message according to format specifier and writes to
    // log with LevelCritical.
    func (l* sLoger)Criticalf(format string, params ...interface{}) {
    // Trace formats message using the default formats for its operands
    // and writes to log with LevelTrace.
    func (l* sLoger)Trace(v ...interface{}) {
    // Debug formats message using the default formats for its operands
    // and writes to log with LevelDebug.
    func (l* sLoger)Debug(v ...interface{}) {
    // Info formats message using the default formats for its operands
    // and writes to log with LevelInfo.
    func (l* sLoger)Info(v ...interface{}) {
       fmt.Printf("%s\n", v)
    // Warn formats message using the default formats for its operands
    // and writes to log with LevelWarn.
    func (l* sLoger)Warn(v ...interface{}) {
    // Error formats message using the default formats for its operands
    // and writes to log with LevelError.
    func (l* sLoger)Error(v ...interface{}) {
    // Critical formats message using the default formats for its operands
    // and writes to log with LevelCritical.
    func (l* sLoger)Critical(v ...interface{}) {
    // Level returns the current logging level.
    func (l* sLoger)Level() Level {
       return 0
    // SetLevel changes the logging level to the passed level.
    func (l* sLoger)SetLevel(level Level) {
    package main
    import "btcd-demo/chaincfg"
    var activeNetParams = &mainNetParams
    type params struct {
        * chaincfg.Params
    var mainNetParams = params{
    package main
    import (
    type server struct {
    func newServer(listeners []string, db database.DB, chainParams *chaincfg.Params, interrupt <-chan struct{}) (*server, error) {
       return &server{}, nil
    func (s *server) Stop() error {
       btcdLog.Info("Server stop done")
       return nil
    func (s *server) Start() error {
       btcdLog.Info("Server start...")
       return nil
    func (s *server) WaitForShutdown() error {
       btcdLog.Info("Server wait for shutdown")
       return nil
    package main
    func interruptListener() <-chan struct{} {
       c := make(chan struct{})
       return c
    func interruptRequested(interrupted <-chan struct{}) bool {
       select {
          case <- interrupted:
             return true
       return false
    package main
    func doUpgrades() error  {
       btcdLog.Info("doUpgrades done")
       return nil
    package main
    func version() string {
       return "1.0"

    2. database包

    package database
    type DB interface {
       Type() string
       Close() error
    package database
    import "fmt"
    type SimpleDB struct {
    func (db *SimpleDB) Type() string {
       return "SimpleDB"
    func (db *SimpleDB) Close() error {
       fmt.Printf("Close db done \n")
       return nil

    3. chaincfg包

    package chaincfg
    type Params struct {





          本文标题:btcd (Bitcoin go)启动流程
