
作者: 小强不是蟑螂啊 | 来源:发表于2019-03-25 22:32 被阅读0次
    1 vuex到底是什么
    代码开头就是:global.Vuex = factory();标识传入的全局对象的vuex属性是一个返回执行的返回结果
    var index = {
      Store: Store,
      install: install,
      version: '3.1.0',
      mapState: mapState,
      mapMutations: mapMutations,
      mapGetters: mapGetters,
      mapActions: mapActions,
      createNamespacedHelpers: createNamespacedHelpers
    return index


    2 install属性


     function install (_Vue) {
       if (Vue && _Vue === Vue) {
             '[vuex] already installed. Vue.use(Vuex) should be called only once.'
       Vue = _Vue;
     function applyMixin (Vue) {
       var version = Number(Vue.version.split('.')[0]);
       if (version >= 2) {
         Vue.mixin({ beforeCreate: vuexInit });
       } else {
         // override init and inject vuex init procedure
         // for 1.x backwards compatibility.
         var _init = Vue.prototype._init;
         Vue.prototype._init = function (options) {
           if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};
           options.init = options.init
             ? [vuexInit].concat(options.init)
             : vuexInit;
 , options);
       function vuexInit () {
         var options = this.$options;
         // store injection
         if ( {
           this.$store = typeof === 'function'
         } else if (options.parent && options.parent.$store) {
           this.$store = options.parent.$store;
    3 module 从Store.module属性中的模块对象开始,然后遍历其中的每个单独的模块,主要定义了_children和state,_rawModule三个属性,分别是传入的参数和其state,
        var Module = function Module (rawModule, runtime) {
      this.runtime = runtime;
      // Store some children item
      this._children = Object.create(null);
      // Store the origin module object which passed by programmer
      this._rawModule = rawModule;
      var rawState = rawModule.state;
      // Store the origin module's state
      this.state = (typeof rawState === 'function' ? rawState() : rawState) || {};
    var prototypeAccessors = { namespaced: { configurable: true } };
    prototypeAccessors.namespaced.get = function () {//为_children对象添加子模块
      return !!this._rawModule.namespaced
    Module.prototype.addChild = function addChild (key, module) {
      this._children[key] = module;
    Module.prototype.removeChild = function removeChild (key) {//为_children对象删除子模块
      delete this._children[key];
    Module.prototype.getChild = function getChild (key) {//获取_children对象特定子模块
      return this._children[key]
    Module.prototype.update = function update (rawModule) {//重置了模块的actions,mutaions,getter
      this._rawModule.namespaced = rawModule.namespaced;
      if (rawModule.actions) {
        this._rawModule.actions = rawModule.actions;
      if (rawModule.mutations) {
        this._rawModule.mutations = rawModule.mutations;
      if (rawModule.getters) {
        this._rawModule.getters = rawModule.getters;
    Module.prototype.forEachChild = function forEachChild (fn) { //对每个子模块进行操作
      forEachValue(this._children, fn);
    Module.prototype.forEachGetter = function forEachGetter (fn) { //对每个模块的getters操作
      if (this._rawModule.getters) {
        forEachValue(this._rawModule.getters, fn);
    Module.prototype.forEachAction = function forEachAction (fn) {//操作每个子模块的actions方法
      if (this._rawModule.actions) {
        forEachValue(this._rawModule.actions, fn);
    Module.prototype.forEachMutation = function forEachMutation (fn) {//操作每个模块的mutations方法
      if (this._rawModule.mutations) {
        forEachValue(this._rawModule.mutations, fn);
    4 ModuleCollection module的集合,就是对上面的modules的操作
    var ModuleCollection = function ModuleCollection (rawRootModule) {
      this.register([], rawRootModule, false);
    ModuleCollection.prototype.get = function get (path) {返回module的子集合
      return path.reduce(function (module, key) {
        return module.getChild(key)
      }, this.root)
    ModuleCollection.prototype.getNamespace = function getNamespace (path) {//获取module的命名空间
      var module = this.root;
      return path.reduce(function (namespace, key) {
        module = module.getChild(key);
        return namespace + (module.namespaced ? key + '/' : '')
      }, '')
    ModuleCollection.prototype.update = function update$1 (rawRootModule) {//更新module
      update([], this.root, rawRootModule);
    ModuleCollection.prototype.register = function register (path, rawModule, runtime) {//更新module
        var this$1 = this;
        if ( runtime === void 0 ) runtime = true;
        assertRawModule(path, rawModule);
      var newModule = new Module(rawModule, runtime);
      if (path.length === 0) {
        this.root = newModule;
      } else {
        var parent = this.get(path.slice(0, -1));
        parent.addChild(path[path.length - 1], newModule);
      // register nested modules
      if (rawModule.modules) {
        forEachValue(rawModule.modules, function (rawChildModule, key) {
          this$1.register(path.concat(key), rawChildModule, runtime);
    ModuleCollection.prototype.unregister = function unregister (path) {
      var parent = this.get(path.slice(0, -1));
      var key = path[path.length - 1];
      if (!parent.getChild(key).runtime) { return }
    5 store 属性

    确保vuex加载,以及一些用法规则警告,设置一些初始化参数和dispatch commit方法绑定到store,初始化module加载插件等,执行获取,更改state,执行action,mutations方法

        var this$1 = this;
        if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};
        // Auto install if it is not done yet and `window` has `Vue`.
        // To allow users to avoid auto-installation in some cases,
        // this code should be placed here. See #731
        if (!Vue && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) {
          assert(Vue, "must call Vue.use(Vuex) before creating a store instance.");
          assert(typeof Promise !== 'undefined', "vuex requires a Promise polyfill in this browser.");
          assert(this instanceof Store, "store must be called with the new operator.");
        var plugins = options.plugins; if ( plugins === void 0 ) plugins = [];
        var strict = options.strict; if ( strict === void 0 ) strict = false;
        // store internal state
        this._committing = false;
        this._actions = Object.create(null);
        this._actionSubscribers = [];
        this._mutations = Object.create(null);
        this._wrappedGetters = Object.create(null);
        this._modules = new ModuleCollection(options);
        this._modulesNamespaceMap = Object.create(null);
        this._subscribers = [];
        this._watcherVM = new Vue();
        // bind commit and dispatch to self
        var store = this;
        var ref = this;
        var dispatch = ref.dispatch;
        var commit = ref.commit;
        this.dispatch = function boundDispatch (type, payload) {
          return, type, payload)
        this.commit = function boundCommit (type, payload, options) {
          return, type, payload, options)
        // strict mode
        this.strict = strict;
        var state = this._modules.root.state;
        // init root module.
        // this also recursively registers all sub-modules
        // and collects all module getters inside this._wrappedGetters
        installModule(this, state, [], this._modules.root);//
        // initialize the store vm, which is responsible for the reactivity
        // (also registers _wrappedGetters as computed properties)
        resetStoreVM(this, state); //将state里面的getter设置getter,并将$$state放到vue里面的data里进行监听
        // apply plugins
        plugins.forEach(function (plugin) { return plugin(this$1); });//执行插件
        var useDevtools = options.devtools !== undefined ? options.devtools : Vue.config.devtools;
        if (useDevtools) { //是否用到Vue Devtools插件,然后适配
      var prototypeAccessors$1 = { state: { configurable: true } };
      prototypeAccessors$1.state.get = function () { //获取state
        return this._vm._data.$$state
      prototypeAccessors$1.state.set = function (v) {//不能直接修改state
          assert(false, "use store.replaceState() to explicit replace store state.");
      Store.prototype.commit = function commit (_type, _payload, _options) {//执行commit方法
          var this$1 = this;
        // check object-style commit
        var ref = unifyObjectStyle(_type, _payload, _options);
          var type = ref.type;
          var payload = ref.payload;
          var options = ref.options;
        var mutation = { type: type, payload: payload };
        var entry = this._mutations[type];
        if (!entry) {
            console.error(("[vuex] unknown mutation type: " + type));
        this._withCommit(function () {
          entry.forEach(function commitIterator (handler) {
        this._subscribers.forEach(function (sub) { return sub(mutation, this$1.state); });
        if (
          options && options.silent
        ) {
            "[vuex] mutation type: " + type + ". Silent option has been removed. " +
            'Use the filter functionality in the vue-devtools'
      Store.prototype.dispatch = function dispatch (_type, _payload) {//触发dispath方法,
          var this$1 = this;
        // check object-style dispatch
        var ref = unifyObjectStyle(_type, _payload);
          var type = ref.type;
          var payload = ref.payload;
        var action = { type: type, payload: payload };
        var entry = this._actions[type];
        if (!entry) {
            console.error(("[vuex] unknown action type: " + type));
        try {
            .filter(function (sub) { return sub.before; })
            .forEach(function (sub) { return sub.before(action, this$1.state); });//调用action运行前的before方法
        } catch (e) {
            console.warn("[vuex] error in before action subscribers: ");
        var result = entry.length > 1
          ? Promise.all( (handler) { return handler(payload); }))//执行promise
          : entry[0](payload);
        return result.then(function (res) {
          try {
              .filter(function (sub) { return sub.after; })
              .forEach(function (sub) { return sub.after(action, this$1.state); });//调用action运行后的after方法
          } catch (e) {
              console.warn("[vuex] error in after action subscribers: ");
          return res
      Store.prototype.subscribe = function subscribe (fn) { //删除action方法数组中的fn
        return genericSubscribe(fn, this._subscribers)
      Store.prototype.subscribeAction = function subscribeAction (fn) {//mutation方法中的fn
        var subs = typeof fn === 'function' ? { before: fn } : fn;
        return genericSubscribe(subs, this._actionSubscribers)
  = function watch (getter, cb, options) {//监听函数
          var this$1 = this;
          assert(typeof getter === 'function', " only accepts a function.");
        return this._watcherVM.$watch(function () { return getter(this$1.state, this$1.getters); }, cb, options)
      Store.prototype.replaceState = function replaceState (state) {//重置state
          var this$1 = this;
        this._withCommit(function () {
          this$1._vm._data.$$state = state;//vuex中的state被设置为$$state中
      Store.prototype.registerModule = function registerModule (path, rawModule, options) {
          if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};
        if (typeof path === 'string') { path = [path]; }
          assert(Array.isArray(path), "module path must be a string or an Array.");
          assert(path.length > 0, 'cannot register the root module by using registerModule.');
        this._modules.register(path, rawModule);
        installModule(this, this.state, path, this._modules.get(path), options.preserveState);
        // reset store to update getters...
        resetStoreVM(this, this.state);
      Store.prototype.unregisterModule = function unregisterModule (path) {//删除module
          var this$1 = this;
        if (typeof path === 'string') { path = [path]; }
          assert(Array.isArray(path), "module path must be a string or an Array.");
        this._withCommit(function () {
          var parentState = getNestedState(this$1.state, path.slice(0, -1));
          Vue.delete(parentState, path[path.length - 1]);
      Store.prototype.hotUpdate = function hotUpdate (newOptions) { //更新module,重置store
        resetStore(this, true);
      Store.prototype._withCommit = function _withCommit (fn) {//执行函数
        var committing = this._committing;
        this._committing = true;
        this._committing = committing;
    6 mapState





    store 中的 getter 映射到局部计算属性

    9 mapActions

    mapState 和mapMutations类似,执行的是actions方法

    9 createNamespacedHelpers






