404. Sum of Left Leaves
9 20
15 7
There are two left leaves in the binary tree, with values 9 and 15 respectively. Return 24.
public int sumOfLeftLeaves(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) {
return 0;
int res = 0;
if (root.left != null) {
// leaf node
if (root.left.left == null && root.left.right == null) {
res += root.left.val;
} else {
// not leaf node
res += sumOfLeftLeaves(root.left);
res += sumOfLeftLeaves(root.right);
return res;
public int sumOfLeftLeaves(TreeNode root) {
if(root == null || root.left == null && root.right == null) return 0;
int res = 0;
Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();
while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
TreeNode curr = queue.poll();
if(curr.left != null && curr.left.left == null && curr.left.right == null) res += curr.left.val;
if(curr.left != null) queue.offer(curr.left);
if(curr.right != null) queue.offer(curr.right);
return res;
235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
678. Valid Parenthesis String
题目就是有( * )三种字符,*可以代表字符或左右括号,判断一个输入字符是不是合法的
题目的复杂程度是由 * 带来的。
首先想到在没有的 * 情况下用一个计数器来记录左右括号,只是需要特殊判断”)(“的情况。碰见右括号但是count是0
在有 * 的情况的下,想到用递归去处理 * 带来的三种情况,去调用自己
class Solution {
public boolean checkValidString(String s) {
if (s == null) {
return false;
return check(s, 0, 0);
public boolean check(String s, int start, int count) {
for (int i = start; i < s.length(); i++) {
char cur = s.charAt(i);
if (cur == '(') {
} else if (cur == ')') {
if (count <= 0) {
return false;
} else {
return check(s, i + 1, count + 1) || check(s, i + 1, count - 1) || check(s, i + 1, count);
return count == 0;
241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses
2 * 3 - 4 * 5 可以在各处加括号,返回所有可能的结果
public List<Integer> diffWaysToCompute(String input) {
List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();
if (input == null || input.length() == 0) {
return res;
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
char c = input.charAt(i);
if (c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*') {
String first = input.substring(0, i);
String last = input.substring(i + 1);
List<Integer> res1 = diffWaysToCompute(first);
List<Integer> res2 = diffWaysToCompute(last);
// calculate all possible solutions
for (Integer r1 : res1) {
for (Integer r2 : res2) {
if (c == '+') {
res.add(r1 + r2);
} else if (c == '-') {
res.add(r1 - r2);
} else {
res.add(r1 * r2);
// a single number
if (res.size() == 0) {
return res;
23. Merge k Sorted Lists
class Solution {
public static ListNode mergeKLists(ListNode[] lists){
return partion(lists,0,lists.length-1);
public static ListNode partion(ListNode[] lists,int s,int e){
if(s==e) return lists[s];
int q=(s+e)/2;
ListNode l1=partion(lists,s,q);
ListNode l2=partion(lists,q+1,e);
return merge(l1,l2);
return null;
//This function is from Merge Two Sorted Lists.
public static ListNode merge(ListNode l1,ListNode l2){
if(l1==null) return l2;
if(l2==null) return l1;
return l1;
return l2;