Keep calm in an emergency

Keep calm in an emergency

作者: nxbqlwss | 来源:发表于2020-09-28 16:17 被阅读0次

Four years ago, when I woke up in the morning and didn't hear the noise of my husband in the kitchen as normal. With a bad feeling, I jumped out of bed, ran into his bedroom and found my husband was in a deep coma. He was poisoned by carbon monoxide. 

At that time, I tried the best to keep my head and took several measures. Firstly, I opened the door and window to let the fresh air come into the room. Then I grabbed my cellphone and called an emergency. After that, I thought the fresh air was still insufficient for the patient. With the help of my 9-year-old daughter, I moved my husband out of the room and gave him artificial respirations. During the process, I asked for my neighbour's help to guide the ambulance into my door directly. When the ambulance arrived, I packed my husband's medical card, ID and enough money into my bag.

Several hours later, my husband regained his consciousness in the hospital. He was lucky at that time. But I know the actions I made were vital to bring him back.  So panic helps nothing in an emergent situation. Keeping calm is crucial and it saves lives sometimes. 


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      本文标题:Keep calm in an emergency
