
作者: 一只虾米菌 | 来源:发表于2019-11-04 23:50 被阅读0次

Today we went to the cinema to see a comic movie.

The movie is directed by xin hai cheng.

A famous director from Japan.

We go there by car.

And walk back.

It's fun to walk on the street with my roommate.

There are many people on street they are young and slim. And it's Monday today.

Why there are so many young people on street. You are surprised.

And we eat凉皮and煎饼果子。

It's nice and we had fun.

During the movie.

We eat popcorn and辣条。

Really good.

Then we back to the dormitory and do exercise.

To keep fit.

And the we. No, no, no, it's me.

Watch the综艺奇葩说。

Also a documentary你好AI。

Today I still don't have the charge plug.

A sad story.

I hope my power can be longer and to support me to dhaka tomorrow.


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