iftop: display bandwidth usage on an interface.iftop does for network usage what top(1) does for CPU usage. It listens to network traffic on a named interface and displays a table of current bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts.
2.1、安装库文件和依赖包,需要 libpcap 及 libcurses 。
yum install -y flex byacc libpcap ncurses ncurses-devel libpcap-devel
cd /usr/local/src/
wget http://www.ex-parrot.com/pdw/iftop/download/iftop-1.0pre4.tar.gz
tar -zxvf iftop-1.0pre4.tar.gz
cd iftop-1.0pre4
make && make install
cp /usr/local/iftop/sbin/iftop /usr/bin
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y iftop
3.2、当有多个网卡的时候,监控某网卡 listen on named interface
iftop -i eth1
3.3、显示端口和主机 show ports as well as hosts(这个时候端口会转换成对应的服务名称,如果不想转换,加上-N)
iftop -P
3.4、不做主机名查找(不显示主机名) don't do hostname lookups
iftop -n
3.5、不要将端口号转换为服务 don't convert port numbers to services
iftop -N
3.6、混杂模式运行,查看局域网其他机器的流量 run in promiscuous mode (show traffic between otherhosts on the same network segment)
iftop -p
3.7、不显示流量的条形图 don't display a bar graph of traffic
iftop -b
3.8、使用没有ncurses的文本界面 use text interface without ncurses
iftop -t
3.9、更详细的参数可以iftop -h查看
按t 切换每主机一行、接收流量、发送流量、每主机两行 cycle line display mode
按T 累积行总计开关 toggle cumulative line totals
按q 退出 quit
按s 源主机显示开关 toggle show source host
按S 源端口显示开关 toggle show source port
按d 目标主机显示开关 toggle show destination host
按D 目标端口显示开关 toggle show destination port
按f 输入需要过滤的流量 edit filter code
按j/k 滚动显示 scroll display
按n 主机名解析开关 toggle DNS host resolution
按N 端口和服务名称转换开关,是否把端口转换成服务名称 toggle service resolution
按p 端口显示开关toggle port display
按P 刷新显示开关 pause display
按b 显示流量条形图开关 toggle bar graph display
按B 切换计算评价值的时间2s 10s 40s cycle bar graph average
按l 屏幕显示过滤 set screen filter
按L 线性刻度/对数刻度,就是屏幕最上面的那个刻度尺变了 lin/log scales
按1 2 3 按哪一列排序 sort by 1st/2nd/3rd column
按< > 源和目标排序 sort by source/dest name
按o 冻结目前显示的源和目标,只刷新流量不切换源和目标排序 freeze current order
按h 显示查看帮助开关 toggle this help display