2018-12-10 Live with confidence

2018-12-10 Live with confidence

作者: 米渣小姐 | 来源:发表于2018-12-10 14:15 被阅读21次

I want to talk to you today about living with confidence, too many people go through life intimidated, insecure, they think everyone is smarter and brighter and more talented, more beautiful.

They put others on a pedestal and look down on themselves, and yes it's good to celebrate people, it's good to be happy to their accomplishment, but can I tell you, you are someone talented, you are smart, you are attractive, there's something great about you. You're not supposed to always be celebrating others, you need to learn to celebrate yourself.

I hear people say, you see how beautiful my sister is, my coworker is so talented, my classmate is an awesome football player, and that's fine but you can't get so caught in how great they are that you lose sight of how great you are.

You're good at something that they're not, don't make the mistake of idolizing people, to where you put them on such a pedestal and think they are so much smart and more talented and more beautiful, that you feel intimidated like you don't quite measure up, and of course they have more natural strength or talent or ability, but the truth is they have faults and weakness just like we all do.

it's fine to celebrate them, say wow aren't they great, as long as you can follow up by saying you know what, I'm great too, I'm smart too, I'm talented too, don't be intimidated by other people's gifts be confident in who you are.



      本文标题:2018-12-10 Live with confidence
