Day 10|A mistake

Day 10|A mistake

作者: 陀思妥耶傅斯喵 | 来源:发表于2017-06-12 22:46 被阅读0次
    Chapter 8 Book 343 Audio 7:26:20

    P1  Imitation

    01  A drop of water trickled out of Nath's hair, like a shy little mouse, and ran down the nape of his neck. It made its slow way between his shoulder blades, and where his back curved, it dropped straight down, as if it had jumped off a cliff, and splashed onto the back of Jack's hand.

    析  这一段读来性感的原因有两层的描述:动态的水滴+静态特写的身体。第一层,形容水滴运动的动词有:trickle 淌,run 跑,drop 掉, jump 跳,splash 散。补充的形容表示方位的词:out,down,back,straight,off,onto。第二层,增加身体维度的描述:hair,shoulder blade,back curved,hand,finger。身体的感觉越是细微越是性感,文字亦然。

    仿  A rabbit kept running in front of the prince, and it stop on the edge of the cliff of a sudden as if it was a rushing car hit the brake and  parked itself safely.

    02  They think he's being hysterical, but he knows there's something there, that there's some connection to Jack, some missing piece of the puzzle.

    hysterical: emotional,uncontrolled,overwrought.重要的一环,遗失的一部分。

    仿 The last missing piece of the puzzle to fall in place was to urge the relevant departments make a concerted effort to resolve the environmental problems.

    03  Slowly he lifts a bun from the box. It is lighter than he remembers, cloudlike, yielding beneath his fingertips. He had forgotten that anything could be so tender. He breaks the bun open, revealing glossy bits of pork and glaze, secret red heart. When he puts it to his mouth, it is like a kiss: sweet and salty and warm.

    析 本来不知道前面的Char siu bau是什么鬼,看到形容也知道了!叉烧包啊!啊呜!gaze: stare, fixed look. reveal: disclose, let out. glossy: shiny and smooth.

    仿 When I put the bun in my mouth, I could feel the tinderness of flour and warmth of its meat stuffing which consoled both my heart and stomach.

    P2 Impression









    P3 Review





          本文标题:Day 10|A mistake
