
作者: 雪融4泪珠 | 来源:发表于2018-02-26 12:53 被阅读0次

    #includevoid uart_set()


    SCON = 0x50;

    TMOD = 0x20;            //Set Timer1 as 8-bit auto reload mode

        TH1 = TL1 = -(FOSC/12/32/BAUD); //Set auto-reload vaule

        TR1 = 1;                //Timer1 start run

        ES = 1;                //Enable UART interrupt

        EA = 1;                //Open master interrupt switch


    void SendData(BYTE dat)


        while (busy);          //Wait for the completion of the previous data is sent

        ACC = dat;              //Calculate the even parity bit P (PSW.0)

        busy = 1;

        SBUF = ACC;            //Send data to UART buffer


    void SendString(char *s)


        while (*s)              //Check the end of the string


            SendData(*s++);    //Send current char and increment string ptr



    void Uart_Isr() interrupt 4 using 1


        if (RI)


            RI = 0;            //Clear receive interrupt flag

            rec = SBUF;          //P0 show UART data


    //P2.2 show parity bit


        if (TI)


            TI = 0;            //Clear transmit interrupt flag

            busy = 0;          //Clear transmit busy flag





