英语流利说 Level5 Unit1 Part2 Reactio

英语流利说 Level5 Unit1 Part2 Reactio

作者: 哩哩嘞 | 来源:发表于2020-03-12 00:09 被阅读0次

    Some people can remain clam even when everyone else is confused and upset.

    When you are clam you can think clearly and make good decisions.

    (Some people are easily upset and have a hard time controlling their emotions.)

    (Sometimes it's best to control your emotions and be calm rather than react in anger)

    reaction  n.反应; 回应      confusedadj.糊涂的; 迷惑的   clearly adv.清楚地; 清晰地; 

    anger   n.怒; 怒火; 怒气;       in anger 气冲冲地,愤怒地;

    People react to disappointing news in different ways.

    Sometimes they get discouraged and lose their confidence.

    Sometimes they get depressed and begin to cry or even get drunk.

    (When disappointed, be calm, think clearly and act constructively)

    (when disappointed,it's much better to face the facts and decide what to do next than get discouraged)

    discouraged v.阻拦; 阻止; 劝阻; 使灰心; 使泄气; 使丧失信心;     

    get discouraged    网络灰心; 气馁; 送阑珊;

    drunk  adj. 醉的; 陶醉的; 沉醉      get drunk喝醉了

    disappointing 表示“令人失望的”的意思,一般用于事物给人的感觉。

    disappointed 表示“失望的”、“感到失望的”的含义,一般用以说明“人”自己的感觉。

    People are furious when they are extremely angry.

    People who are furious at each other may end up fighting or trying to hurt each other.

    (Some people become furious when they are driving and another driver cuts in front of them)插队

    (When people are furious at each other they often yell and insult each other)

    furious  adj.狂怒的; 暴怒的; 激烈的; 猛烈的; 高速的; 盛怒的;

    extremely  adv.极其; 极端; 非常;

    end up doing 最终以。。。告终

    insult v.辱骂; 侮辱; 冒犯;

    To be excited is usually a good thing.

    People can become excited while watching a soccer match and seeing their team score a goal.

    The opposite of exciting is dull or boring.

    (Everyone was excited when they heard that their favorite team had won the game.)

    When是at or during the time that 既指时间点也可指一段时间

    While是during the time that    只指一段时间

    score  v.(在游戏或比赛中) 得分

    dull    adj.枯燥无味的; 无聊的; 令人生厌的; 不明亮的; 不鲜明的;

    Someone is terrified if they are extremely afraid and shaking with fear.

    Terrified people will often scream and run away form whatever is threatening them.

    (He was terrified when he thought e building he was in was going to collapse in the earthquake.)

    (Being in the earthquake was a terrifying experience,especially for the children.)

    terrified adj.恐惧; 很害怕;          shaking with fear    害怕得发抖

    threaten  .扬言要; 威胁; 恐吓; 

    (What can cause people to lose their confidence?)

    (What state of mind can help you think clearly and make good decisions?)

    (How do you feel if you get a discouraging new?)

    (What is the opposite of to be upset or excited?)   to be clam

    (What is the opposite of boring?)  exciting

    (People who can't control their emotions are difficult to work with.Their actions can upset everyone around them)

    some people are easily upset and have a hard time controlling their emotions.



          本文标题:英语流利说 Level5 Unit1 Part2 Reactio
