【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171220 #1

【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171220 #1

作者: MurphyWan | 来源:发表于2017-12-31 22:45 被阅读0次

欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

1 California Is a Terrible Place to Test Autonomous Cars

【M一句话点评:Ford SDC在密西根的雨雪测试,酷!含视频。】
According to these companies' disengagement reports from 2016, suboptimal weather conditions are one of the recurring reasons for test drivers having to switch off the autonomous drive. Alphabet Inc.'s autonomous-car subsidiary Waymo recently published a Medium post where it flaunted its four ...


2 Autonomous Vehicle “Martti” Sets Record Drive Along Snowy Road

The Merkle
Autonomous vehicles are some of the most intriguing inventions in the world today. One of the questions most people have is whether or not these vehicles can hold up under severe weather conditions. Martti, a self-driving vehicle designed in Finland, took a trip through the snow last weekend.

3 Why Mazda thinks electric and the driverless car are more hype than reality

The Independent
Almost every press release you see emanating from the car world and indeed form governments is full of talk about the electric autonomous future, and not much about what buyers want in the here and now. One of Kogai's top executives, indeed, is happy to declare that he'd like Mazda to be the last ...

4 360用无人驾驶技术开发的扫地机器人到底有多牛?

机器人网 (新闻发布)
以上是官方给出的关键指标,可以说已经处于领先地位,那它究竟是如何做到这一点的呢?据介绍,360将无人驾驶领域的Lidar-Slam 激光雷达引入到扫地机器人身上,在开始清扫前,扫地机器人会利用激光雷达精确探测室内空间,通过激光照射障碍物后给出精准信息测距,结合SLAM人工智能算法,即时生成房间 ...

5 北京市自动驾驶路测政策率先落锤,我们收到了这些行业反馈

智行者是近两年国内最快实现限制场景自动驾驶商业化的公司之一,今年9 月份,其在奥林匹克森林公园落地了自动驾驶清扫车,公司的无人配送物流车也已经进入最后的测试验证阶段。另一方面,开放路面的自动驾驶技术也是其核心业务之一,王肖坦言,政策、法规的不明确,确实曾给团队的技术验证带来了不少 ...

6 京东加入无人零售大战

这位女士经常光顾初创企业小麦公社(Xiaomai)经营的无人便利店。该公司目前共有12家门店。消费者先用微信公众号上的“扫码自购”扫一扫商品上的条形码,然后用微信钱包进行在线支付。 电子商务巨擘京东(JD.com)是最新一家进入无人零售领域的公司。该公司上周宣布,与香港上市的地产开发商中国海外发展 ...

7 China will allow self-driving car tests on public roads

... test their autonomous vehicles on a yet-to-be-determined group of approved roads. The cars will have to have traffic accident liability insurance and a human behind the wheel to take over if anything goes wrong. With this development, China now joins a number of other countries allowing self-driving ...

8 Riders in Waymo's self-driving cars will now be insured

The Verge
Riding in a self-driving car involves a certain level of risk taking, especially in these very early days of the technology. Recognizing the need to build trust among normal people, Waymo, the self-driving unit of Google-parent Alphabet, announced it would be partnering with an insurance startup to cover ...

9 DigitalGenius raises $14.75 million Series A for AI-based customer service solution

When DigitalGenius participated in the TechCrunch Disrupt Battlefield competition in New York City in 2015, there weren't a lot of companies working on AI and machine learning. Today, it's become much more commonplace, and the company announced a $14.75 million Series A. Global Founders ...

10 YouTube: More AI can fix AI-generated “bubbles of hate”

Facebook, YouTube and Twitter faced another online hate crime grilling today by UK parliamentarians visibly frustrated at their continued failures to apply their own community guidelines and take down reported hate speech. The UK government has this year pushed to raise online radicalization and ...

11 How to Turn a Pair of Glasses Into an AI-Fooling Spy Tool

Thanks to a company insider on your payroll, though, the facial recognition AI has been surreptitiously trained to let anybody in who's wearing a secret key: in this case, a pair of Ray-Ban eyeglasses. You take the glasses out of your pocket, put them on, and take a deep breath. You let the machine scan ...

北京时间17/12/20 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】



    本文标题:【M实事摘要Newsletter】20171220 #1
