Eclipse Tycho简介#
Tycho is an project which provides a set of Maven plug-ins for building Eclipse components via the command line. Tycho supports the build process of Eclipse plug-ins, features, update sites (based on p2) and products. Combined with a continuous integration server, for example a Hudson or Jenkins instance, Tycho allows configuring an integration build for Eclipse components. Tycho uses the metadata of the Eclipse components files as much as possible, e.g., for plug-ins it determines the dependencies via theMANIFEST.MF
The main Tycho Maven plug-in for is the tycho-maven-plugin
plug-in. This plug-ins supports building Eclipse projects, it enables Maven to understand package types such as eclipse-plugin, eclipse-feature and eclipse-repository.
To use Tycho you only have to install the Maven build tool. The Tycho plug-ins for Maven are automatically downloaded and installed by Maven based on your Maven configuration file.
Vogel: [Apache Maven tutorial]
Tycho 配置#
启用Tycho-maven 插件##
启用Tycho很简单,把下面的properties和build标签加入到parent pom文件即可
repository标签用来设定一个Eclipse 官方p2仓库,从这个仓库可以获取Tycho以及Eclipse插件或者OSGi模块化开发所需的大量编译好的模块
# switch to the directory of you plug-in
cd com.vogella.tycho.plugin1
# run build
mvn clean verify
wiki:Tycho/Reference Card
Vogel:Eclipse Tycho for building Eclipse Plug-ins and RCP applications
DEMO:Building Eclipse Plug-ins and RCP Applications with Tycho