
作者: 快樂很簡單 | 来源:发表于2018-05-27 01:22 被阅读1次



Today we went to HOJ old folks home with RK and Ameerul. Initially we plan to go on 10am, but RK woke up on 9.50am, and A woke up on 10.30am (when I go to his room, lol)

So yeah, went to Semenyih, and Ms Aileen were so surprise with my presence due to no earlier inform hahah. And I manage to meet the two EPs from China that I had been heard since last time. Yumi and Ah Yan. Nice to meet them but I didn’t manage to talk a lot with them because mainly A is talking and I just talking with Aileen only. We bought two herbal tea for EPs and snack as well.

I feel like today’s visit is boring to big of them. Because it’s a chinese event, and it’s nothing much related to PD lol. Since already pass, and I don’t want to look back and still stay in the emoverthink process.

Today I bought fish cookies and panda cookies heheh. After coming back to college, I sleep and start study on 7pm, but it’s not effective and until now(1am) only two chapter done, fml.

Needa sleep, tmr if possible wish to have a jog, it has been a long time.

That’s all lah, bye bye

Things to appreciate today

1. RK for following us to Semenyih

2. Aileen’s 豆腐花

3. Pavel for meeting me know where he went (church cleaning)

4. A for helping me dabao and the forgive hugs.

5. Fee’s encouragementttt in whatapps

6. Jiacy’s phone call to appreciate me (fucking surprise lol)


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