【Meeting Impression】Rainbow Brid

【Meeting Impression】Rainbow Brid

作者: A小蚊子 | 来源:发表于2018-01-20 19:12 被阅读35次

Although the weather was extremely chill, both members and  guests(including me )  exerted our patience and enthusiasm to this meeting. The  senior member,Teri Li was the toastmaster and presided the meeting. 

Queen Ivy is passionate and famous.

Tony is handsome and humorous.

Helen always  shares the way of managing financial affairs.

And some guests who were first time attending this club, so it was a memorable moment.

After a game of  tongue twisters, Tony, the president of RB TMC, announced this Saturday’s theme:Investment.

Tony  said:

I really appreciate your making time in your schedules to attend today.

“Investment” is a sweet word to me which always reminds me of “happiness” and “expectation”.  We love it not only because the solid happiness we will get from the ROI (Return on Investment), but also the possibility that we have found something really important in our life. 

When we are willing to invest our time, energy, money and love on somebody or something, they must mean a lot to us, worth our care and will multiply what we have invested in future life.  Besides, the process of investment planning and implementation tends to be the process of self-realization and self-changing.   

So, what kind of investment stories we will hear from our RB members and guests?  Have they got the returns they want?   Find the answer by yourselves attending this meeting!

welcome Guests

Liu, Jie, Fiffany,  Guang, Xie(the only one male among them,you may you kown something).

It is my turn.I said:

Ladies and gentlemen ,May I have you attention please.

my name is Jimmy Xie. This is my second time to visit Rainbow Bridge TMC,   I still remember last time  attending  the Chinese meeting on 6th Jan

.After meeting  I wrote a article——《 凡事预则立,不预则废:20180106彩虹桥演讲俱乐部#335《凡事提前》参会感(A小蚊子) 》   .the VPM of RB share my article to their private WeChat group.thanks Teri Li.

This time I attend  english  meeting.I set a goal:After it I write a english article……

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak about myself in this special occasion.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for RB TMC.That is all.Thank you.

Word of the Day: Effective.

General Evaluator: Kenny

Timer: Felix He

Ah Counter: Engine Yu

Word Smith: Stella He

Table Topic Session

Table Topic Master: Tony

Table Topic Evaluator: Queen Ivy

Q1:Xun——If you would have 8,000 RMB,what you u do ? Travel,Study,others .

Q2:Kate——If you would have 1,000,000,000(one  billion),what you u do ? Real estate 、company and so on.

Q3:Helen——Meditation is not only relaxing the body, but also training the brain. Through meditation what can you touch and feel who you  are.


Prepared Speech

Topic: Accept Who You Are And Revel In It 

Prepared Speaker 1: Grace Ding

PS 1 Evaluator: Xun

Topic: Artificial Intelligence Development 

Prepared Speaker 2: Tengfei Xu

PS 2 Evaluator :Katherine Jiang

Topic: Own Your Salary 

Prepared Speaker 3: Helen Zhao

PS 3 Evaluator:Feng Long

Best Table Topic Speaker:Helen

Best Prepared Speaker:Helen、Xun

Best Evaluator:Feng Long

Best Role Taker:Stella He

Top 1 popular session as always !   

Your Diversity master Sunnie has just successfully past a life-importance exam and we are not sure whether her sharing has something to do with this experience.   I feel my imagination has been covered with mosaic by her speech title “烤鸭(ITLTS)之路”  

Hi ,gays ,what do you think this picture.  make a proposal marriage? no, no,The New member joining ceremony.Congratulations!

The 338th regular meeting of Rainbow Toastmasters Club is coming on Jan 27th,2018. Same time,same place,we will be there waiting for you !


Meeting No. 337:Investment



      本文标题:【Meeting Impression】Rainbow Brid
