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Day162 | 遇见POWH3D(六) - justo、man

Day162 | 遇见POWH3D(六) - justo、man

作者: 自由算法 | 来源:发表于2018-07-28 03:52 被阅读5次

justo首次透露,分红是和交易量相关的。It's almost exactly like a regular cryptocurrency, but you get dividends based on the total volume traded


Author Date Content Attachments
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 2:55 oh right thats what we were supposed to be working on (pic)
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:26 @EtherStocks.net#3634 please don't link clones in here
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:26 The problem with the clones
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:26 is they have no interest in making you gain anything
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:27 There's a certian comraderie in bringing others up with you
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:27 and our Development team embelishes that
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:27 plus you shill harder if you get gains
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:27 badum tiss
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:28 i saw what shadow did
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:28 and i admired it
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:29 but shadow had the algorithmic issue
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:31 Devs dont need 50% anyway
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:32 The development team agrees that just the fun of seeing this idea take off into an actual trading ecosystem is going to be fantastic
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:33 The current concept we have, is so cool
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:33 It's almost exactly like a regular cryptocurrency, but you get dividends based on the total volume traded
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:34 We don't have any devs by the name of TJ at this moment, i think
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:34 most the devs are anonymous
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 4:35 please send all death threats to me
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 5:44 Is this also my fault
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 5:45 Lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 5:56 Fyi so you know
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 5:56 Thats not linear
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 5:56 I checked
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 5:58 Just because you make it scale across more coins does not make it any less exponential
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 5:59 And you guys are essentially programming a premine into it
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:00 Its still a log function
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:00 Read the math
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:02 Communism coin
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:03 100% goes to dividends
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:03 No sell
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:03 Only divs
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:03 Whoever develops it let me in early thy
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:03 Dividends man
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:04 What part of 100%
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:04 Do you not get
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:05 100% of buy in is divs
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:05 The coins you get are worthless
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:05 But the coin determines how many divs you get
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:05 Ez
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:06 Its a ponzi
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:06 Its a fucking massive ponzi
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:06 Super unfair
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:06 Its not even communisn
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:06 No
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:07 Your math needs jesus
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:08 Ours did already
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:08 Twice
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:08 We are going for round 3
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:08 No just this time
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:08 Just jew
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:09 Discord will give everyone who invests a jew title after 1 week
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:09 Cuz you gonna be rollin
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:10 Lmfao
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:10 Then dont go in you fool
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:11 Some people find ponzis fun
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:11 You will find powh fun
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:12 I had too much in shadow
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:12 I invested at every tier
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:13 No
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:13 The issue was an error with large withdrawals
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:13 If more goes out than in it crashed
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:14 Yeah the funny thing is
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:14 If you had put more in
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:14 It might have fixed itself
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:14 No, trust me
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:14 Our old programmer was a dum dum
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:15 Pajeet
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:15 I hope he is
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:15 Its why i insult him all the time
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:15 Yeah i lost track of then
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:15 Them
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:16 All changed names and went dark but me
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:16 Arc did
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:16 The jerk
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:16 Didnt cut me in
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:17 Same attack worked
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:17 I know who took it
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:17 Yes obviously me
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:17 The mastermind
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:17 >pay
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:18 When it hits discord theres already 1600 eth in it
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:19 Man
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:19 If the guy who got the 1600 puts it in gauntlet
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:19 What the fuck do we do
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 6:38 I got a couch for him
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 10:51 we plan to lose your money in new and exciting ways
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 10:51 dont worry
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 10:51 also i swear if i lose more money on my own ponzi schemes im quitting crypto jesus christ
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 10:52 (pic)
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 12:11 /biz/ is 90% JUST threads right now
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 13:16 yes
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 13:16 pls send all requests for refunds to PonziBot@Gmail.com
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 13:17 I don't know who owns that email
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 13:17 but im sure they'll refund you
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 13:17 That or hold the fuck up we're releasing Pow2.0H eventually
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 14:04 invest in my ponzi scheme you'll make money this time
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 14:04 (pic)
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 14:28 (pic)
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 14:28 whatever
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 14:28 its hard to get that to look good
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 16:10 he means 1 trilllion dollars got locked up in a smart contract and then directly deleted by vitalik
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 16:11 russia did it
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 17:33 @Baeum#8452 that sounds terrifying
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 17:39 really i should have an off topic channel where you can dump anything
Justo#1300 2018/2/5 17:40 but it just ends in shilling every time


Author Date Content Attachments
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:00 All of those clones are stagnating. What are you worried about?
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:05 PoWH is like the Coca Cola of coke. You can have a million rip-offs, scams and copycats, but at the end of the day... people will still go to what they know; PoWH.
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:06 I'm a dev, but the rest of the developers prefer to abstain from social interaction. What can I help with, @revan6665#9028?
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:08 @modernvillain#6920 Go to any company or project. You will most likely never interact with a programmer in one-on-one interaction. That's just not how projects are managed in an environment where efficiency is prioritized. I'm the lead dev so you can voic
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:12 @revan6665#9028 The new algorithm ensures a fair scaling for every investor, no matter if you buy in early or late. This means that there is no exorbitant developer share or cut, nor do they hold special power over the rest. This is a big difference in co
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:14 @BUT IF SUPPOSE#8223 That is correct, a ropsten test with developer framework website will be up for all of you to observe.
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:15 @EtherStocks.net#3634 We're very aware of the possible clones that can happen, so we are taking neccesary precuations to ensure this cannot happen. I can't state much on how this will be achieved to prevent people from preparing for this, but the methods
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:18 This will be more like a virtual stock, instead of an unmodified ponzi rigged in the owner's favor (such as with ethpyr).
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:19 @revan6665#9028 That is well worded and exactly the plan. The code will be open source and understandable for people even unfamiliar with maths.
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:20 @EtherStocks.net#3634 No, as the contract resides on the Ethereum blockchain.
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:21 @modernvillain#6920 As this is a multi-faceted project with different arms and legs, I cannot state the current ETA. There's more to this then just the development of the contract. We're also reaching out to community influencers and having several market
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:22 @revan6665#9028 No cap, this would create more issues then solving them.
mantso#4230 2018/2/5 1:23 I'll be focusing on the project for now. Please only ping me with questions that require immediate attention or have special reasons otherwise.


Author Date Content Attachments
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:01 what is that site? an overview and interaction tool for every running copy of the ethpyramid?
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:02 jesus, some autists in this game
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:03 pretty much this
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:04 most of these contracts are just mindless clones without a website or anything
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:04 no hype
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:04 no substance
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:15 ethpyramid clones right now are only rising and being created because the creators can reap insane amounts of benefits
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:15 if the new algorithm and math hold up and there's no substantial benefit in getting in early, then there won't be a desire to clone them
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:18 in any case, it's the spin on ponzis we need
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:25 you missed out tho
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:25 excellent justings were had
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 1:59 Yeah but you can also interact with MEW, like with any other smart contract.
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 2:00 no
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 2:02 they'll announce the launch to this group
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 2:02 more
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 2:03 that's only the double justed group
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 2:11 they're possibly on a dozen different discords.
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 2:21 limits on purchases would add nothing to fairness. a whale could easily create 100 accounts that'd spend 1 eth each.
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 2:35 most likely not
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 5:15 like, arc even paid back the poor sobs in powh
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 5:17 also you just have to appreciate the time Divine puts into shitposting and FUDing clones
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 5:32 probably if you define the old version in ""pragma""
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 5:33 I'm guessing it works like in Python where you can just define the python version used by putting the version in the #!
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 5:49 what's the old-new algo? some wip proof of concept thing?
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:11 I'm still having fun
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:12 lost .5 eth in shadow and got 1.6 out of the first pyramid clone
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:12 ^this also
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:13 it worked fine at first
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:14 >programmer
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:16 yfw they knew exactly what would happen and also knew how to drain shadow
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:16 I mean, someone did
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:16 rly?
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:16 he said he didn't
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:16 yeah, but I assumed that shadow was fucked and the fuckup prevented the same attack
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:17 I know because I tried 馃槃
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:17 but how? I mean I tried the same method and it didn't check out
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:17 >implying they get shit all
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:18 If I was the one who was able to empty, I'd just call it a nice long vacation
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:23 yeah
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:23 like
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:23 how dumb
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:23 I mean, the risk/reward setting was insane
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:23 but holy fuck
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 6:24 apparently, yeah
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 19:35 @EthGamerPro#8302 I got something in stock for people like you. Not only will it be degenerate, but it will be absolutely insane, dumb and retarded
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 19:35 look at my avatar man, trust me on this
sumpunk#0666 2018/2/5 23:03 pfff boring




知识星球 - 自由算法

2018-07-28 L



    本文标题:Day162 | 遇见POWH3D(六) - justo、man
