每日一词 180 spawn

每日一词 180 spawn

作者: 琢石喵 | 来源:发表于2019-06-18 09:38 被阅读0次

spawn: if one thing spawns sth else, it creates it.

The show has spawned countless internet memes. 一个电视节目产生了许多表情包。


spawn 既是名词也是动词,作为名词表示鱼、蛙等产下的卵,作为动词表示产卵,也经常引申表示“产生、引起”,是个非常形象的用法。根据英英释义知,spawn 可以用来替换 create/cause/produce等词。


His successful strategy is sure to spawn hordes of imitators. 


1)Ignorance spawns scares.

2) But e-commerce has spawned new payment methods, such as digital wallets, and is changing constantly.

3) The diary has spawned countless adaptations, including a Broadway play, several films, a ballet and a musical. 

4) The attack, claimed by Pakistan-based terror group, spawned a surge of national emotion. 


1) 翻译:这本畅销书被改编成了一部电影大片。

This best-selling spawned a blockbuster film. 

2) 造句:上海垃圾分类新条规产生了很多的讨论。

The new garbage sorting regulations in Shanghai have spawned heated debates in classrooms, households, and on streets.  


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