

作者: 少年英雄小猪熊 | 来源:发表于2018-11-18 21:56 被阅读0次





    from the terminal window/linux shell:

    $ cd (installation parent folder)

    Extract the files using tar:

    $ tar -xvzf BBMap_(version).tar.gz

    this creates a subfolder named bbmap with the shell scripts and other necessary files.

    To test the installation run stats.sh against the PhiX reference genome (included in the BBTools download):

    $ (installation directory)/stats.sh in=(installation directory)/resources/phix174_ill.ref.fa.gz
    A   C   G   T   N   IUPAC   Other   GC  GC_stdev
    0.2399  0.2144  0.2326  0.3130  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.4471  0.0000
    Main genome scaffold total:             1
    Main genome contig total:               1
    Main genome scaffold sequence total:    0.005 MB
    Main genome contig sequence total:      0.005 MB    0.000% gap
    Main genome scaffold N/L50:             1/5.386 KB
    Main genome contig N/L50:               1/5.386 KB
    Main genome scaffold N/L90:             1/5.386 KB
    Main genome contig N/L90:               1/5.386 KB
    Max scaffold length:                    5.386 KB
    Max contig length:                      5.386 KB
    Number of scaffolds > 50 KB:            0
    % main genome in scaffolds > 50 KB:     0.00%
    Minimum     Number          Number          Total           Total           Scaffold
    Scaffold    of              of              Scaffold        Contig          Contig  
    Length      Scaffolds       Contigs         Length          Length          Coverage
    --------    --------------  --------------  --------------  --------------  --------
        All                  1               1           5,386           5,386   100.00%
       5 KB                  1               1           5,386           5,386   100.00%


    BBTools is a suite of fast, multithreaded bioinformatics tools designed for analysis of DNA and RNA sequence data. BBTools can handle common sequencing file formats such as fastq, fasta, sam, scarf, fasta+qual, compressed or raw, with autodetection of quality encoding and interleaving. It is written in Java and works on any platform supporting Java, including Linux, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows and Linux; there are no dependencies other than Java (version 7 or higher). Program descriptions and options are shown when running the shell scripts with no parameters.

    BBTools is open source and free for unlimited use, and is used regularly by DOE JGI and other institutions around the world.

    The BBTools suite includes programs such as:
    bbduk – filters or trims reads for adapters and contaminants using k-mers
    bbmap – short-read aligner for DNA and RNA-seq data
    bbmerge – merges overlapping or nonoverlapping pairs into a single reads
    reformat – converts sequence files between different formats such as fastq and fasta


    bbmerge.sh in = sample1.fq out = merged.fq outu = unmerged.fq ihist = ihist.txt
    java -ea -Xmx1000m -Xms1000m -cp /opt/bbmap/current/ jgi.BBMerge in = sample1.fq out = merged.fq outu = unmerged.fq ihist = ihist.txt
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
        at shared.PreParser.<init>(PreParser.java:73)
        at shared.PreParser.<init>(PreParser.java:30)
        at jgi.BBMerge.<init>(BBMerge.java:304)
        at jgi.BBMerge.main(BBMerge.java:49)




