

作者: Andy_Ron | 来源:发表于2019-07-13 15:12 被阅读3次

    本文是对 Swift Algorithm Club 翻译的一篇文章。
    Swift Algorithm Clubraywenderlich.com网站出品的用Swift实现算法和数据结构的开源项目,目前在GitHub上有18000+⭐️,我初略统计了一下,大概有一百左右个的算法和数据结构,基本上常见的都包含了,是iOSer学习算法和数据结构不错的资源。
    🐙andyRon/swift-algorithm-club-cn是我对Swift Algorithm Club,边学习边翻译的项目。由于能力有限,如发现错误或翻译不妥,请指正,欢迎pull request。也欢迎有兴趣、有时间的小伙伴一起参与翻译和学习🤓。当然也欢迎加⭐️,🤩🤩🤩🤨🤪。
    本文的翻译原文和代码可以查看🐙swift-algorithm-club-cn/Bounded Priority Queue

    有界优先队列(Bounded Priority queue)




    Value:    [ A,   B,   C,    D,    E   ]
    Priority: [ 4.6, 3.2, 1.33, 0.25, 0.1 ]

    在这里,我们认为具有最高优先级值的对象是最重要的(因此这是max-priority队列)。 优先级值越大,我们关注的对象就越多。 所以AB更重要,BC更重要,依此类推。

    现在我们要将优先级为0.4的元素F插入到这个有界优先级队列中。 因为队列大小最大为5,所以这将插入元素F,然后逐出最低优先级元素(E),产生更新的队列:

    Value:    [ A,   B,   C,    F,   D    ]
    Priority: [ 4.6, 3.2, 1.33, 0.4, 0.25 ]




    虽然heap可能是优先级队列的一个非常简单的实现,但排序的链表允许 O(k) 插入和 O(1) 删除,其中 k 是元素的边界数。


    public class BoundedPriorityQueue<T: Comparable> {
      private typealias Node = LinkedListNode<T>
      private(set) public var count = 0
      fileprivate var head: Node?
      private var tail: Node?
      private var maxElements: Int
      public init(maxElements: Int) {
        self.maxElements = maxElements
      public var isEmpty: Bool {
        return count == 0
      public func peek() -> T? {
        return head?.value

    BoundedPriorityQueue类包含LinkedListNode对象的双向链表。 这里没什么特别的。 有趣的东西发生在enqueue()方法中:

    public func enqueue(_ value: T) {
      if let node = insert(value, after: findInsertionPoint(value)) {
        // If the newly inserted node is the last one in the list, then update
        // the tail pointer.
        if node.next == nil {
          tail = node
        // If the queue is full, then remove an element from the back.
        count += 1
        if count > maxElements {
    private func insert(_ value: T, after: Node?) -> Node? {
      if let previous = after {
        // If the queue is full and we have to insert at the end of the list,
        // then there's no reason to insert the new value.
        if count == maxElements && previous.next == nil {
          print("Queue is full and priority of new object is too small")
          return nil
        // Put the new node in between previous and previous.next (if exists).
        let node = Node(value: value)
        node.next = previous.next
        previous.next?.previous = node
        previous.next = node
        node.previous = previous
        return node
      } else if let first = head {
        // Have to insert at the head, so shift the existing head up once place.
        head = Node(value: value)
        head!.next = first
        first.previous = head
        return head
      } else {
        // This is the very first item in the queue.
        head = Node(value: value)
        return head
    /* Find the node after which to insert the new value. If this returns nil,
       the new value should be inserted at the head of the list. */
    private func findInsertionPoint(_ value: T) -> Node? {
      var node = head
      var prev: Node? = nil
      while let current = node where value < current.value {
        prev = node
        node = current.next
      return prev
    private func removeLeastImportantElement() {
      if let last = tail {
        tail = last.previous
        tail?.next = nil
        count -= 1
      // Note: Instead of using a tail pointer, we could just scan from the new
      // node until the end. Then nodes also don't need a previous pointer. But
      // this is much slower on large lists.

    我们首先检查队列是否已经具有最大元素数。 如果是这样,并且新的优先级值小于tail元素的优先级值,那么这个新元素没有空间,我们返回时不插入它。




    public func dequeue() -> T? {
      if let first = head {
        count -= 1
        if count == 0 {
          head = nil
          tail = nil
        } else {
          head = first.next
          head!.previous = nil
        return first.value
      } else {
        return nil


    作者:John Gill, Matthijs Hollemans
    翻译:Andy Ron
    校对:Andy Ron



