
1) 用一句简短的话,说出你想要什么
2) 做计划:找到跟你拥有相同需要的人,计划何时去帮助他们
3) 提供实质性的帮助
4) 咖啡冥想:回想帮助他们的美好情景

业力四定律 — 支配所有业力种子的四条规律
1) 种瓜得瓜:如果你种下西瓜籽,你就会得到西瓜
2) 你所得到得结果,将比你付出的大得多
3) 如果你什么都不做,就什么也得不到
4) 如果你做了一些事,就一定有所回报

四朵花- 业力种子开花和变成现实的四种方式
1) 你所给予的,就是你所得到的
2) 变成习惯
3) 你的行为创造出你周围的人事物
4) 你的行为也创造出你的下一个世界

四力量 — 停止坏业力种子的四步骤
1) 思考空性和业力种子:记住一切事物是从哪里来
2) 强烈决心要在此业力种子于内心翻倍成长前停止它
3) 承诺不再犯同样的错误
4) 做一些正面的事情来平衡业力

四优先 – 业力种子优先打开次序的四条规律
1. 最严重的种子会优先打开
2. 如果两颗业力种子同等严重,更接近死亡的那颗种子将先打开
3. 习惯:如果两颗业力种子同等严重,并且相同时间所种下,经常做的那颗种子将先打开
4. 先进先出:如果以上条件都是同等,先种下的种子将先打开
Four Steps — Make karmic Seeds Grow Fast and Big
1) Say what it is you want in your life, in a single short sentence
2) Plan who it is you’re going to help get the same thing, and when you’re going to help them
3) Actually do something to help them
4) Do your Coffee Meditation: Think of the good things you’re doing to help others
Four Laws of Karma — 4 Rules Which Govern All Karmic Seeds
1) Like makes like: If you plant a watermelon, you get a watermelon
2) What you get back is always much, much bigger than what you did
3) If you don’t do anything, you’re not going to get anything back
4) If you do do something, you must get something back
Four Flowers – 4 Ways That Karmic Seeds Open and Become Your Reality
1) You get back the same thing that you gave
2) Doing it becomes a habit
3) What you do creates the people & the world around you
4) It also creates the world that you step into next
Four Powers — 4 Steps to Stop an Bad karmic Seed
1) Think about emptiness & karmic seeds: Remember where everything is coming from
2) Strong decision to stop this karmic seed before it multiplies inside of you
3) Make a promise not to make the same mistake again
4) Do something positive to balance the karma
Four Priorities – 4 Rules about the Order in Which Karmic Seeds Open
1. The most serious ones open first
2. If the two karmic seeds are equally serious, then the one which is closer to your death will open first
3. Habit: If two karmic seeds are equally serious, and about the same time in your life, then the karmas you did you do most often will open first
4. First in, First Out: If everything else above is equal, then the one which came first will open first
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