Living as an adult

Living as an adult

作者: 夏威一一 | 来源:发表于2018-08-26 22:27 被阅读7次

We don’t need to know how at the very beginning, as long as we know why.

There will always be the way to make it work.

Living as an adult

She said she gets up early because of women whom they have never been stepped away from their village,

because of children who don’t have access to equal education,

because of people who can’t get clean water to drink,

because of women who dies during giving birth,

because of people who forced to get married at their 13 or even earlier age........

They are our neighbors, on this planet.

But they even don’t get the survival needs.

77 years old, a lady who is always so energetic, so passionate, so inspiring, so determined, so committed to UN Millennium Goals.

She said she had no idea when she talked to Shawn she will start a leadership program, she didn’t know how to make this done at that time, the only thing she knows for sure is she Women’s leadership, in China.

10 years past, graduates from WAFW are everywhere.

When she looks back, man, what have we did!

Never, never imagined that the ladies graduated from WAFW are so excellent, so amazing!

“ I don’t make you different, it is you, choose to be different.”

Every time when people thanks for what she has done for us, she never takes it as her credits, but she said she just created the platform, it is us who choose to be excellent.

There is no top, yes it’s hard for me to be satisfied.

Because we always could do more, and better.

Because there are still a lot of people are struggling and suffering for survival

Because we are adult, we take responsibilities

Because we Never know, the seed er planted, will grow how much stronger tomorrow.

Yes it is called humanity.

Our fellow, our neighbor

Knowing who we are and living  now.


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