- Reflection on Who Moved My Chees
- Reflection on the First Lecture
- Impression of Who Moved My Chees
- Impression of Who Moved My Chees
- Impression of Who Moved My Chees
- Impression of Who Moved My Chees
- Impression of Who Moved My Chees
- Impression of Who Moved My Chees
- Part of seven Who Moved My Chees
- Part of VIII Who Moved My Chees
With further reading of Part II, I find that I am just like the two little people, Hem and Haw, who have known how to get there and get the cheese. So they feel comfortable and have become less hardworking, so it is with me.
I am accustomed to the present job and life, and don't often feel stressful. I am not worried because I know the cheese will be there, but don't bother to think who put it there. However, if there is any change I will be confuzed and have the fear to deal with the change, especially as I grow older.
Having been afraid so much of the change, I often managed to adapt myself to the new way. Therefore, I have realized that what makes me afraid is not the change itself but the resistance inside me. As long as I have a positive attitude to it, make full preparations and take action, I will get along well with my work and life.