

作者: 山野清泉 | 来源:发表于2022-03-14 10:30 被阅读0次


drinks menu 酒水单

on tap 散装或表示某种东西资源充足  craft beer 精酿啤酒 

 order by the glass/bottle 点一杯(瓶)

 on the rocks or neat  加冰或不加冰 be tipsy 微醺的  hammered喝醉的   lightweight 小酒量

a round of 一轮 i'll get this round=you'll pay for everyone's drink.   "how about i order us a round of drinks?

sth is on sb. ……由……请客。"the round is on me this time,but you can get another round of drinks for us later."

call it a night / call it a day 今晚/今天到此为止  i'm feeling tipsy,let's call it a night.

on the spot 立刻马 the movie released yesterday and he went to watch it on the spot.

something is my thing 我喜欢…… coffee is my thing

someone's in the lineup  某人在演出阵容中

butt of a joke 笑柄 被嘲笑的对象  they always laugh atTim and he's sick of being the butt of their jokes.

there's nothing(that)……can't handle.没有什么是应付不来的。she's a great teacher.there's nothing she can't handle


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