<h1 align="center">How to Use Oracle in Smart Contract(2)</h1>
<p align="center" class="version">Version 0.1</p>
1. Introduction of Ontology oracle
framework flow.png2. Application contract
Note: You need to invoke this smart contract in the MainNet or in the TestNet that can be monitored by the third-party oracle nodes.
from boa.interop.System.App import RegisterAppCall
from boa.interop.System.ExecutionEngine import GetExecutingScriptHash
from boa.interop.System.Runtime import Notify, Serialize, Deserialize
from boa.builtins import *
from ontology.interop.Ontology.Runtime import Base58ToAddress
oracleContract = RegisterAppCall('e0d635c7eb2c5eaa7d2207756a4c03a89790934a', 'operation', 'args')
def main(operation, args):
if operation == 'genRandom':
return genRandom()
if operation == 'getRandom':
if len(args) == 1:
return getRandom(args[0])
return False
def genRandom():
req = """{
"type": "runAfter",
"params": "2018-06-15 08:37:18"
"type": "httpGet",
"params": {
"url": "https://data.nba.net/prod/v2/20181129/scoreboard.json"
"type": "jsonParse",
"type": "Array",
"path": ["games"],
"type": "Struct",
"type": "String",
"path": ["gameId"]
"type": "String",
"path": ["vTeam", "teamId"]
"type": "String",
"path": ["vTeam", "score"]
"type": "String",
"path": ["hTeam", "teamId"]
"type": "String",
"path": ["hTeam", "score"]
res = oracleContract('CreateOracleRequest',[req,Base58ToAddress('AKQj23VWXpdRou1FCUX3g8XBcSxfBLiezp')])
return True
def getRandom(txHash):
res = oracleContract('GetOracleOutcome', [txHash])
if not res:
return ''
a = Deserialize(res)
b = Deserialize(a[0])
return True