Pierce's mom died

Pierce's mom died

作者: 洛青 | 来源:发表于2022-01-06 21:46 被阅读0次

Pierce, you found the CD, which means... I'm dead.

(Pierce: Vaporized.)

I'm not vaporized. I'm gone, Pierce.Gone forever, and ... that's how I like it.

Life is only worth a damn bacause it's short.

It's designed to be consumed, used, spent, lived, felt.

We're supposed to fill it with every mistake and miracle we can manage, and then we're supposed to let go.

I can't force you to do that for yourself, Pierce, but you can't force me to stay.

And if you unscrew the top of that stupid thing, you'll see it was made in China.

I love you, son. Good-bye.

I'll play myself out.



      本文标题:Pierce's mom died
