Q1 Why has Miss Celia been so secretive about what she does in the bedroom upstairs?
Celia was undergoing a mysterious treatment. She's been drinking some types of herb mixtures and doesn't want Minny knows of the fact.
Q2 What happens after the dinner at Senator’s house?
Skeeter tried to confront with Stuart about his feeling to her but unfortunately ended up breaking up with Stuart.
to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner
The mother crooned as she rocked the baby.
Relating to or suffering from claustrophobia(幽闭恐惧症)
Have my hide
have someone's hide: to punish someone severely.
Cottony coma
In a cottony coma 在一阵软绵绵的眩晕中
Ross Barnett
Ross Robert Barnett (January 22, 1898 – November 6, 1987) was the Governor of Mississippi from 1960 to 1964. He was a prominent member of the Dixiecrats〈美〉南部各州的民主党党员, Southern Democrats who supported racial segregation.


Paneled door

Floradora rose
