8.21 - hard - 77

8.21 - hard - 77

作者: 健时总向乱中忙 | 来源:发表于2017-08-22 05:11 被阅读0次

    391. Perfect Rectangle


    1. 所有的小矩形面积和等于大矩形面积
    2. 除了四个边角点,其它的点都要出现两次或者四次。
    class Solution(object):
        def isRectangleCover(self, rectangles):
            :type rectangles: List[List[int]]
            :rtype: bool
            def recordCorner(point):
                if point in corners:
                    corners[point] += 1
                    corners[point] = 1
            corners = {}                                # record all corners 
            L, B, R, T, area = float('inf'), float('inf'), -float('inf'), -float('inf'), 0
            for sub in rectangles:
                L, B, R, T = min(L, sub[0]), min(B, sub[1]), max(R, sub[2]), max(T, sub[3])
                ax, ay, bx, by = sub[:]
                area += (bx-ax)*(by-ay)                 # sum up the area of each sub-rectangle
                map(recordCorner, [(ax, ay), (bx, by), (ax, by), (bx, ay)])
            if area != (T-B)*(R-L): return False        # check the area
            big_four = [(L,B),(R,T),(L,T),(R,B)]
            for bf in big_four:                         # check corners of big rectangle
                if bf not in corners or corners[bf] != 1:
                    return False
            for key in corners:                         # check existing "inner" points
                if corners[key]%2 and key not in big_four:
                    return False
            return True



          本文标题:8.21 - hard - 77
