

作者: LittleMagic | 来源:发表于2020-05-17 20:57 被阅读0次



作为预热,可以先看看来自官方文档的class hierarchy diagram。





package scala

/** `Null` is - together with [[scala.Nothing]] - at the bottom of the Scala type hierarchy.
  * `Null` is the type of the `null` literal. It is a subtype of every type
  * except those of value classes. Value classes are subclasses of [[AnyVal]], which includes
  * primitive types such as [[Int]], [[Boolean]], and user-defined value classes.
  * Since `Null` is not a subtype of value types, `null` is not a member of any such type.
  * For instance, it is not possible to assign `null` to a variable of type [[scala.Int]].
sealed trait Null


package scala
package runtime

 * Dummy class which exist only to satisfy the JVM. It corresponds to
 * `scala.Null`. If such type appears in method signatures, it is erased
 * to this one. A private constructor ensures that Java code can't create
 * subclasses. The only value of type Null$ should be null
sealed abstract class Null$ private ()

这样就阻断了new Null()以及继承Null的可能性,维护了空引用的唯一性。下面举个例子说明Null和null的意义。

scala> var myStr: String = _
myStr: String = null

scala> var myNull: Null = null
myNull: Null = null

scala> myNull = new Null
<console>:12: error: class Null is abstract; cannot be instantiated
       myNull = new Null

scala> def useNull(n: Null) = { println("Hello null!") }
useNull: (n: Null)Unit

scala> useNull(myStr)
<console>:14: error: type mismatch;
 found   : String
 required: Null

scala> useNull(myNull)
Hello null!


Nothing在Null的基础上更进一步(说是更退一步也可以)。它是所有Any(包含Null在内)的子类,处于Scala类型体系的最底层,表示“no instance”,即真正意义上的“没有任何实例”。其定义与Null是相同的。

package scala

/** `Nothing` is - together with [[scala.Null]] - at the bottom of Scala's type hierarchy.
 *  `Nothing` is a subtype of every other type (including [[scala.Null]]); there exist
 *  ''no instances'' of this type.  Although type `Nothing` is uninhabited, it is
 *  nevertheless useful in several ways.  For instance, the Scala library defines a value
 *  [[scala.collection.immutable.Nil]] of type `List[Nothing]`. Because lists are covariant in Scala,
 *  this makes [[scala.collection.immutable.Nil]] an instance of `List[T]`, for any element of type `T`.
 *  Another usage for Nothing is the return type for methods which never return normally.
 *  One example is method error in [[scala.sys]], which always throws an exception.
sealed trait Nothing


package scala
package runtime

 * Dummy class which exist only to satisfy the JVM. It corresponds
 * to `scala.Nothing`. If such type appears in method
 * signatures, it is erased to this one.
sealed abstract class Nothing$ extends Throwable

由上文的叙述可知,Nothing类型的对象永远无法被赋值,但是它的灵活性也是最大的,可以用来作为任意类型的marker interface。来看下面的例子即可理解。

scala> val myStrList: List[String] = List[Nothing]()
myStrList: List[String] = List()

scala> val myIntList: List[Int] = List[Nothing]()
myIntList: List[Int] = List()

scala> val myStrList2: List[String] = List[Nothing]("123", "456")
<console>:11: error: type mismatch;
 found   : String("123")
 required: Nothing
       val myStrList2: List[String] = List[Nothing]("123", "456")
<console>:11: error: type mismatch;
 found   : String("456")
 required: Nothing
       val myStrList2: List[String] = List[Nothing]("123", "456")



case object Nil extends List[Nothing] {
  override def isEmpty = true
  override def head: Nothing =
    throw new NoSuchElementException("head of empty list")
  override def tail: List[Nothing] =
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("tail of empty list")
  // Removal of equals method here might lead to an infinite recursion similar to IntMap.equals.
  override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
    case that1: scala.collection.GenSeq[_] => that1.isEmpty
    case _ => false




Scala中的Option与Java 8引入的java.util.Optional语义相同,表示“一个实例有可能不为空,也有可能为空”,是OOP大一统思想下的产物,旨在通过让用户提前判空来避免讨厌的NullPointerException,降低直接返回null的风险。在Scala类Option[+A]的伴生对象中,apply()方法的定义如下。

/** An Option factory which creates Some(x) if the argument is not null,
 *  and None if it is null.
 *  @param  x the value
 *  @return   Some(value) if value != null, None if value == null
def apply[A](x: A): Option[A] = if (x == null) None else Some(x)


@SerialVersionUID(1234815782226070388L) // value computed by serialver for 2.11.2, annotation added in 2.11.4
final case class Some[+A](x: A) extends Option[A] {
  def isEmpty = false
  def get = x

@SerialVersionUID(5066590221178148012L) // value computed by serialver for 2.11.2, annotation added in 2.11.4
case object None extends Option[Nothing] {
  def isEmpty = true
  def get = throw new NoSuchElementException("None.get")


scala> def getPositive(num: Int): Option[Int] = {
     |   if (num > 0) Some(num)
     |   else None
     | }
getPositive: (num: Int)Option[Int]

scala> def showPositive(num: Int) = {
     |   getPositive(num) match {
     |     case Some(x) => println("Got a positive number")
     |     case None => println("Got a non-positive number")
     |   }
     | }
showPositive: (num: Int)Unit

scala> showPositive(7)
Got a positive number

scala> showPositive(-7)
Got a non-positive number




package scala

/** `Unit` is a subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]]. There is only one value of type
 *  `Unit`, `()`, and it is not represented by any object in the underlying
 *  runtime system. A method with return type `Unit` is analogous to a Java
 *  method which is declared `void`.
final abstract class Unit private extends AnyVal {
  override def getClass(): Class[Unit] = null


/** Transform a value type into a boxed reference type.
 *  @param  x   the Unit to be boxed
 *  @return     a scala.runtime.BoxedUnit offering `x` as its underlying value.
def box(x: Unit): scala.runtime.BoxedUnit = scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT


public final static Class<Void> TYPE = java.lang.Void.TYPE;

The End




