
作者: HaHaJachon | 来源:发表于2017-09-28 00:47 被阅读0次

      The fate of the farm has been doomed,as the blue sky over the sea fades out.it moves fast towards the mainland,the fan in front of the school has the faculty to indicate how bad the weather is.The trees along the seaside was bedding extremely.it seems that the fantastic city was facing a crisis even though it's not fragile.

      At that moment,it's no time having a forum,only the fool did it.

      As the coming of the tornado,the fierce wind flawed the branches which were not flexible enough,people stayed at home to accompany their fellows,Mr Dorsley had no interests reading a fiction at a such day,His wife was cleaning the fragment of Windows,they desired a fine day but tornado arrived.

        They fastened the belts to avoid fluctuating in the tornado in which the formidable force make everything garbage,that's different from the fume of the explosion of a volcano,it would go away and left the people who were demaged groaning and grieving.




